What I Thought While on the Pot: My Dream Job

Saturday, July 16, 2005

My Dream Job

Of course, my original idea for a dream job was to be the guy who oils up all the Playboy models for hot photo shoots. Or the guy who puts the whipped cream in strategic locations on a girl's body. But you know...I've recently come across some interesting cinematographical media that has given me new ideas.
I download an adult movie of some questionable nature. I won't post the name of it here. It wasn't in english, that's all I'll say. Now, the ORIGINAL movie WAS in English, but this movie that I have is dubbed over into some other language. Latvian or something, I'm not sure. Anyway, it's quite funny for obvious reasons including the fact that people's lips don't move in accordance with what they appear to be saying. Also, in this particular movie, there are no other sounds like background sounds or the natural sounds of sexual activity. There are only the sounds of the voice over actors and actresses talking and of course making their "passion" noises. "Ooooh...ahhhhhh....oooohhhhhh...." but it's not the people actually having the intercourse in the movie...it's the voice over actors. HAHA! It's crazy! I couldn't even watch this movie without laughing my ass off. Well I didn't watch the movie, because it was overly ridiculous. Also, I don't watch porn, so there.


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