Quannel X
Now then, here's what Quannel fails to ever talk about:
There were blacks during the times of slavery that were freed and started their own plantations and had their own slaves. That's correct. There were black people born in America who had blacks born in Africa as slaves. Shocking right? Well not to Quannel who refuses to discuss such things.
Another fact: Not only black people were slaves. There were white people who were slaves working on the plantations right along side mexicans, asians, and Africans.
Another fact: We no longer have slavery in the United States but slavery throughout Africa and many other underground goings on in other countries continues to thrive and yet Quannel X continues to point fingers at the "white devils" in the United States. He simply can't get over the fact that there were black people who were slaves in history. Many of these "slaves" were not mistreated. Yes, many were and were raped and terrible things happened to them just the same as terrible things happened to many people and continue to happen to many people of all races. They were not unique. Because it happened to black people and Quannel himself is black, he persistently focuses his attention and anger on the most tragic events in black American history. He gives no credit to the struggles that his people went through. He says that there is no difference between now and 400 years ago. Get this: He actually has a group of equally ignorant followers who have been brainwashed to believe what he falsely believes.
Yes there is bigotry and racism in America just like there is everywhere else in the world. Yes it will never go away.
No, Quannel X is not correct in his feelings that all races except black should be wiped off the planet. I guarantee you that there is far more black on black crime in the world than there is white on black crime in the world.
Quannel X: Wise up sir. Pull your head out of your ass. You're no Malcolm X.
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