Wednesday, September 27, 2006
For anyone who doesn't already know, in Bailey, CO, which is just a short drive from where I live, there was this guy that busted into a school room and took a bunch of hostages. Eventually it went down to the last 2 hostages and the cops busted in and the suspect shot one of his hostages, a 16 year old girl, in the head. She lived for several hours after that in which doctors worked feverishly to save her life. In the end there was nothing they could do. She passed away. The gunman shot and killed himself as well. I really get upset when things like this happen. If you want to kill your fucking self, stay home, put a gun in your mouth and pull the goddamned trigger. Other people want to live. Leave them the hell alone. He took someone's daughter away. Having a daughter myself, and losing a son of my own nearly 6 years ago, I can imagine the tragedy her parents are going through right now. Senseless, meaningless. No reason for it at all. Stupid ass shit. That's all there is to it. AAAAARRRRRGGGG........nothing I can do about it. That's the most frustrating thing.
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