Monday, October 15, 2007
I started in a bowling league again. I didn't bowl last year at all. Taking that much of a break has taken it's toll. I bowled 6 games and my arm hurt like hell. I was back the following week and had to bowl another 6 games for league. By the 4th game, I was having sharp pains in my arm every time I threw the ball. I finished up with a 10 pound house ball and I was in alot of pain. Didn't look like the muscle was torn clear through but it sure felt like it. A couple of days later, I was in the shower and thought I had some dirt on my arm, so I scrubbed at it for a few seconds. It didn't come off. That's when I realized I had a huge bruise going all the way down my arm. Tearing the muscle caused quite a bit of bleeding and it's still sore as hell and it's 2 weeks later now. Still have a huge bruise thought he color has changed a bit. Instead of purple and red, it's yellow and brown now. I think I might have to sit out another couple of weeks or so before trying to throw the ball again. I'm going to the gym doing some light curls and trying to get it built back up. My average is 209 right now and should be 220 or so. But when you're bowling in so much pain, it's hard to maintain.
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