Some of you may have seen the 30 minute, or whatever it is, infomercial for Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They don't Want you to Know About". Right off the bat, the title of the book is misleading as hell. Guess what. The book has NO "natural cures" in it. That's right folks! <---- in my best Kevin Trudeau impression. NO natural cures! Let's recap. The title of the book is "Natural Cures They don't want you to Know About" and guess what...we still don't know about them after reading the book because uhhhhh....there are none in the book. So, what, you ask does 29.95 get you? Well you get alot of Kevin's explanation of the history of the FDA and their relationship with drug companies. Yes it's all very enlightening information. He really did alot of homework on that subject. He really hates the FDA because they seem to censor everything he says or does. You all remember "Mega Memory" and that speed reading informercial he had as well. Well let's just say those endeavors didn't turn out that great for him because of his misleading ways. In addition to FDA information, you also get page after page of him advertising his website
Natural Cures. He states time and time again that he can't tell you what the actual natural cures are in his book because the FDA said he can't, but if you become a "private member" of his web site and mailing list, you can email him directly and he will tell you his recommendations. So...stupid me. I go to the website. Oh guess what. It costs 9.95 per month to be a "private member". So more money. Surprise surprise. So now we are up to 40 bux and still searching for "natural cures" for whatever ails you. Well first, when you go to the Natural Cures web page, there are more things enticing the reader to go deeper into the website to learn more information about Natural Cures. Of course you find out it's 9.95 to join. So you join...then you go to the member's page and it states "FDA has said I can't mention any products" blah blah now we've spent 40 dollars and still we are lacking any natural cures. There are, once again, many pages of enlightening information, but no natural cures products.
What you have is a list of 3 email addresses that he gives you of people he says are doctors. He says they would recommend the same products that he would recommend. So I shoot each of them an email and from all 3 of them I get nearly identical emails that are like 20 pages long. They all do, indeed, recommend specific brand name products. All of them recommend the SAME products actually. Time and time again they tell you to go to the same websites and dish out your $30-$80 per bottle for these products they are promoting. Doesn't sound much like natural cures to me. Sounds more like another scam. Now, I don't know if anyone is being paid by the companies that make these "all natural" products, but I've grown more and more suspicious. So I've spent 40 bux they want me to spend nearly $500 to buy all of the products they recommend, and that's just for a one month's supply.
I think not.
In addition, they want you to buy expensive water and air purifiers. Not the regular commercial made purifiers you can find for 40 bux, but the 200-400 dollar ones that they promote on the websites they are pushing.
So here's my point...don't buy the book. Don't pay for the website.
There are PLENTY of "natural cures" type books and websites out there that you can find the same exact information and probably even more without worrying about having to dish out another 500 bux for bottled products that the author and their friends are promoting. Here's a tip. Nearly ALL of them say "eat organic food". Primarily grapes. And juice alot. Use organic fruit and use a juicing machine and drink the organic juice alot. Drink alot of purified water processed by reverse osmosis. You don't have to buy a reverse osmosis machine for an arm and a leg. You can find water already processed at Wal-Mart. It's called, you guess it, "drinking water" and if you read the label, it states that it was processed by reverse osmosis. So enjoy.
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