What I Thought While on the Pot: Contact Lenses

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Contact Lenses

So I've started wearing contacts exclusively again. I wore them for awhile but stopped because sometimes at work they would bother my eyes. I figured it was just because of the dry environment around all the computers. Then I found out that another person that works there wears contacts and has no problems. They said it was probably the brand of contacts that was causing the problem. She uses Focus Monthly lenses. Another person recommended Acuvue 2 lenses. I bought 2 boxes of each brand from Colorado Contacts and tried them both. The Acuvue 2 felt great. No discomfort at all after wearing them all day long. The problem was the vision focus wasn't great. The lens seemed to move a little bit sometimes when I blinked. It would just move a bit, not severely. But still, it would cause me to lose focus momentarily. My overall focus wasn't that great either even when the lens wasn't moving around. Outside during the day, I seemed to be able to see ok, though street signs were a bit blurry. At night, it got worse. Maybe because of the dark and maybe because I had been wearing them all day. I don't know.
The Focus Monthly lenses were perfectly comfortable as well. I wore them all day and night with no problems. A big problem I had with my Proactive lenses I got from the doctor was the build up of protein on the lense that would cause alot of vision blurring. The other problem was that the lenses would become painful after just a couple hours of wear. If I took them out and rinsed them off, I could wear them again for a couple hours before the pain was unbareable yet again. With the Focus Monthly, there was no protein build up and no pain. I could see perfectly clearly all day and night and with no discomfort. The next best thing to laser vision correction. I was going to splurge and get the Focus Night and Day lenses because you don't take them out of your eyes every night, but only once per month! You take them out, throw them away, put in a new pair for the entire month. I didn't get them because I was worried about how the Focus lenses would feel and how the vision accuity would be. Well if they are anything like the Focus Monthlies, they would be great. I highly recommend the Focus Monthly lenses. I also highly recommend you get them from Colorado Contact Lenses because they are only 17.95 per box! The Proactive lenses (that I don't recommend) are 29.95. I can't see why they are so much more expensive. I guess if you enjoy blurry vision and feeling like you have an eyelash in your eye all day, then you should spend the extra money.


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