What I Thought While on the Pot: Bored at work tonight...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Bored at work tonight...

I'm bored. So here I am writing a little something. I have to put up Halloween decoractions tomorrow with Juanita. She's been bugging me to get it done. I never have decorated except for a little bit of that fake webbing that I put up in the place last year. She has all these decorations she's used for years so those are the ones we are going to put up again. I don't have new decorations because I just can't bring myself to spend obscene amounts of money for them. I like Halloween just as much as the next guy out there...but like uhhhh...whatever.
Court case is being settled last I heard. I haven't heard anything back yet about it being done and over with. It'll be figured out soon. I'm just glad it won't have to go to trial. That would be such a huge pain in the ass. Even though if it went to trial, I'm sure I would win and the old d00d would get nothing. He'll be able to buy himself something to eat and some news clothes with the money anyway. From his statement in the police report, he has no money and his kids don't help. I'm sure they helped find him a lawyer when they found out there might be money coming his way though.
I'm looking around at how to get rid of Iloyd's cat. It's got to go. Looks like it'll be about 200 bux altogether to get everything done. 100 bux for the plane ride for the cat to Houston and 100 bux for shots and health certificate. I think that'll be a huge pain in the butt too. But I'm going to try to get it done anyway.
I've been thinking about a painting I really want to do. It's going to be pretty big. Lots of color and funky designs. I already have it done in my head and have been thinking alot about how I'm actually going to go about painting it.
It's supposed to snow here on Monday. Already. It was nearly 80 degrees today and the highs are supposed to be in the 30s on Monday. Some kinda weather, huh? I just hope my car can handle the snow. It's a 2005 ford focus. My civic was fine in the snow once I had snow tires on it. Snow tires rock. I think I might just go out and buy some for my ford for the winter. Lately, snow tires have been a waste of money because we've gotten very little snow lately. Just like every year I can remember though, all the "weather specialists" and "scientists" say this is going to be a bad winter. Just like last year was supposed to be...oh and the year before and the one before that. All of which we had very little snow. Alot of cold, but very little snow. During the other seasons, no matter how much rain we get, we are said to be "in a drought". It could rain 10 inches of rain every day for a year and people would still be saying "we really need the rain". I'm like STFU before I stab you in the gut with a chopstick.
In other news, I really like A&W restaurants. They've also recently opened a Culver's here in Colorado Springs. I've been there once so far and had a great bacon barbecue butter burger. That's good stuff, man. And their fries are the best. Now if they only had A&W Root Beer on tap at Culvers we would be set. And the only Culvers in town is kinda far away from my house. Actually, the closest A&W is right next door to the Culvers so I guess it doesn't really matter. The thing is, there is an A&W down by where my girlfriend's parents live so I'm down that way a few times a month anyway.
I really need to wash my car and clean out the junk inside it. I haven't done that in awhile. I also need to sell my car stereo equipment from my old car. I'm asking really good prices for the stuff but they have yet to sell. I'm hoping it goes soon.
Welp...nothing else to really say tonight I guess. I get off work here in about 4 more hours. I'm planning to watch Saturday Night Live and then go to the gym and then go home. I'm trying to get to the gym alot more to get cut. I realize I have plenty of muscle already and I work on fat burn and cardio mostly. I also realize that I don't have to work on fat burn if I would just stop eating all the time but that's hard for me to do because of the addictive additives that the food companies put in foods to make people hungry and want more of their addictive food. That, plus I have no self control.


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