What I Thought While on the Pot: News

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Has anyone been watching the news lately? With no storms to devote an hour’s worth of coverage to and have “special reports” about, these news corporations sure are having a difficult time finding stories to write and talk about. There is still a war going on in Iraq, but I guess talking about more American kids getting killed doesn’t make good news when you report about it every night. What we need right now is a good asteroid strike on Earth. It needs to cause about 100,000 deaths in some large city in the states in order for the coverage on the story to last more than a month. They are still talking about hurricane Katrina, though not for the entire newscast anymore. People can’t return to their homes even though the water is gone because their homes were under all that water and are now ruined. A lot of people aren’t getting any money to help them rebuild or move or try to get their lives back together. I couldn’t imagine what to do by myself down there, let alone some of those people down there with large families and no money or a place to stay.
Back to the news now. I see there have been some murders that have stood out. Another pretty blonde white woman was killed and so of course there was plenty of news coverage for her. There are missing children all around. From watching the news, most of those are pretty little white girls as well. We all know that’s not the truth of the matter though. I guess the media is only concerned with helping to find the pretty white girls though and nobody else.

Whatever…on another note, I’m still looking for the finishing piece of my Halloween costume. My blood red contacts should arrive in the mail soon. I got my blue ones from the people I ordered both the blue and red ones from. Must take longer to make the red ones. Hopefully I do receive them before Halloween. I still need to find my dark jedi style robe. Yeah, I’m Darth Morg for Halloween this year. I have a pretty good costume so far…just need the oversized hooded robe now. Should be sweet…hopefully it won’t be too hard to find the robe.


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