What I Thought While on the Pot: What Do You Think?

Friday, August 05, 2005

What Do You Think?

People are aware of evolution and growth. When you are told something, you learn it. When someone is taught something at a very young age, they believe it until one day they may come upon some awesome truth that changes forever their very beliefs of what is true. It might shake and rattle them. Imagine if you could go up to a priest and show them definitive proof that God did not exist. Every thing that that priest has believed true for the entirety of his life has been stripped away from him. That's quite frightening to him and to anyone else who might have to experience something of that magnitude one day. "Guess what everyone! 2+2=3 and I can prove it!". Yes, some things are just silly. Others not so much.
Humans are the only beings on Earth that can comprehend the end of the Earth on which they live. We are aware of the very real possibility of nuclear obliteration or the Earth being destroyed by an asteroid. Again, people aren't just born with these ideas in their heads. These ideas are taught and some ideas originally devised from emperical evidence and prior history such as a giant crater. We've seen videos of nuclear blasts from a single nuclear weapon and we're told that every U.S. submarine carries around with them enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire world twice over and so forth. Are you scared? No, not really. I can walk up to an ant hill and destroy it and kill hundreds of ants with a single foot. They had no idea of the possibility of their dirt hole being destroyed by a giant foot while hundreds of their coworkers are brutally killed. How absurd this must be to them! Could you possibly imagine your house being destroyed by a giant foot? No...

No one person possesses all the knowledge of any other one person. Everyone has their own experiences, emotions and formulations thereof. On a more simple level, people in school take different classes and some pay attention more than others in those classes and some study more and some simply get more out of the class. Yet all the knowledge of any one person has never been known by any other one person who ever lived, however all general knowledge such as physics, science and other subjects has been known by man far back in history and we now are just beginning to scratch the surface again. This knowledge gained by ancient man was not disseminated well. Scrolls were destroyed or lost. There was no internet, so mass book publications. If you wanted to learn any about of knowledge, you had to go to the best schools in the land or learn all you could from the wise man at the edge of town. I would argue that the knowledge I can gain from one week spent on the internet is equal to that of a well educated college man four hundred years ago. Everything that I know today will never be known by anyone else unless I tell it to them or it might take thousands of years before someone else discovers something that I discover today. If I were to create an art piece, nobody could ever duplicate it exactly. They might try...they might come close. It will never be the same.

In all of our greatness that we have developed into the world of mankind, we still have thousands of years to go before some of the most simple ideas of existence are known by all and understood and lived by.

Government programs, for example, are so ineffecient. Wellfare for people who abuse drugs and use the money for things other than it's purpose. People who smoke crack while they have ten children and get government assistance while they enjoy cell phones and cable television and nice cars. At the same time, single mothers who can't get anyone to lift a fucking finger to help find a dead beat dad who has never payed a cent to child support, are denied housing benefits because they only have one kid instead of ten and because they didn't smoke crack and don't do drugs.


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