What I Thought While on the Pot: I

Friday, July 29, 2005


I feel pretty good. I haven't been sick in a long time. Not as much as a head cold or a headache. No stomach problems except about 2 months ago when I went and had some bad chinese. I took care of that problem and I felt better within a couple hours. Left it there right on the highway. I've been taking vitamins and herbal supplements such as grape seed extract and apple cider vinegar.

I have no financial problems. I would like to spend less money and save more, but I can make ends meet fairly easily. I hope I have this job a good long while longer. I know I still owe my dad $150 bux but it pops in and out of my mind once in awhile and I forget to send it to him. I'll give it to him cash when I get there next month. People appreciate cash.

I'm pretty happy right now. My girlfriend realizes that I need time away from her to do my own thing because that's the way I've always been. I want to be able to do things I enjoy when I have time to enjoy them and many of those things involve doing things by myself and she understands that. She gets hurt that I talk to other girls sometimes and I understand that. She's in quite a bind all the time with her life and her son and her financial problems. I hate to see her so miserable sometimes and it's really hard on me to watch her go through it, but I don't know what I can do about it. I'm her boyfriend. Nothing less, nothing more. She's said that if I have to move out of where I'm living right now that I can stay with her for awhile. I appreciate her for that. I know she'd be there for me if I had problems like I'm not there for her. She has alot of family here locally and I don't, though. I don't have a lot of people I can turn to for help that are nearby.

I'm looking forward to going to Chicago and visiting my sister and then, a few days later, going out and seeing my other sister and the rest of my family. I love my family very much. I'm not around very much and don't see them very often but I feel we're very close. Alot closer than I see alot of people's relationships with their own family.

I feel like I may have some health problems. I have some pains that come and go that I think are unusual. I have some skin discolorations that come and go. I've been to my doctor. Bloodwork was normal. Maybe I should see another doctor. I don't know. I was told my heart palpitations and occasional rapid heartbeat were nothing to worry about. I did a "stress test" and the results were that I had a normal, strong healthy heart and lungs. I ride the bike in the gym about 11 miles a day on medium resistance. I sweat like a pig and get my heartrate from 150-175 bpm. It's a good workout and I feel good when I'm doing it and good afterward. Othertimes, I'll walk down a short hall or up a short flight of stairs and my heart will start pounding and I'll have to stop and even sit down sometimes until it calms down. That's pretty strange to me. I also have "heliotrope hue", a purplish discoloration around the eyes. My doctor said it's probably caused my allergies and I'll be going for blood tests soon to determine what it could be an allergy to. By doing some research on the internet, I've found it could be things like Dermatomyositis or maybe a low adrenal or thyroid function (which is in my family history), or even heart and kidney problems. Hopefully the blood tests reveal something that can be treated. I like wearing contacts lenses instead of glasses, but it's embarrasing sometimes when it looks like I've been in a fight, so I wear glasses to make them less noticable.

Well, I'm about to get off work now...l8r...


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