Friday, July 29, 2005
Well as any of you who play racing games online already know, they can be alot of fun. They also be extremely gay because some jackass who sucks ass on the game and knows it always drives backwards because they think it's a spanking good time. I've lost many a race due to some jackass hitting me head-on on the last lap of a close race. HAHAHA!! It's so funny!! Not. I quite simply don't understand the logic going through these people's heads. Why BUY the game to begin with? Then, now that you have purchased a game in which you have no interest in racing in, WHY take it online for the sole purpose of going backward to screw with other people's races? I mean did it go in that order? Or just the opposite? Like...they saw an ad for a game and thought "I need to buy that game so I can get online and screw with people by driving backwards. I can't wait to drive backwards in that game". Many online racing games have a ranking system based on points. People with very little points have nothing to lose by screwing around, but usually they will try to win in order to gain some points. Normally, everyone who starts out in a race begins with everyone trying to win. But lately, every race I get in starts out with one of the players turning their car around and going backward. It's very difficult to find a legitimate race online. I enjoy racing so I'm not going to quit, but I fear these assholes are never going to go away.
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