Where I've Been

I haven't posted anything in the last few days. I've been playing alot of XBOX Live. I wrote before about the redneck style racing game Flatout. I finally went out and bought an XBOX Live subscription. My gamertag is, guess what....JohnXMorg. JohnXMorg is actually two of my commonly used gamer names merged. JohnX and MORG. I'm MORG on all 3 Descent games and on Tactical Ops and Counterstrike. I'm JohnX on nearly everything I've played recently...like Counterstrike Source, Unreal Tournament 2004, and Call of Duty. Flatout is one of the funnest games I've played online. I'm currently ranked somewhere around 15th place in online settings. I have around 8100 points or something like that. I started with 5000 and first place is somewhere just over 10,000 points. His name is Zvanorova or something like that. He's very freakin' fast so I don't know if I'm going to be able to get up to his level. Obviously, there are quite a few tracks that I'm not all too familiar with. Some of the tracks, I can beat him on if I just happen to take a turn a little better than him. Usually though, someone knocks me off the road somewhere in the beginning and he's gone. Well anyway, if you see me XBOX Live, I'm JohnXMorg. Add me to your friend's list.
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