What I Thought While on the Pot: GTA back in the news...stupid s#%@...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

GTA back in the news...stupid s#%@...

Woman Sues makers of San Andreas
Check it out. A woman who bought the game rated "Mature: Ages 17 and older" for her 14 year old son and is now sueing the makers because the game contains adult content. Her lawyer states "No parent would knowingly buy their children a game with adult content". However, this parent obviously did, you dumbs@$! lawyer. Back in the good ol' days, people worked for money. They didn't just sue for everything they could think of. This woman obviously bought the game (meant for 17+) for her 14 year old son. Now she's upset because the game has adult content. Have any of you actually PLAYED GTA: San Andreas? I guarantee Hilary Clinton has not. In the actual game, you survive by having sex with hookers, beating up hookers, doing drive bys on rival gang members, selling drugs, bribing cops. This is not a children's game, clear as day. You carjack people on a regular basis, just to get around town faster. You hijack planes and helicopters. Add to all that some cartoonish nudity. NOW everyone freaks out. NOW everyone wants to throw a fit because they went out and bought the game for their underage kids not knowing what they were buying. Guess what, mother of that boy. If have any right to sue anyone, sue yourself and then kill yourself for being the stupidest idiot on the planet. Wait...before you kill yourself, invite that woman who put that finger in Wendy's chili and that chick that tried to accuse Michael Jackson this last trial...you can all have a suicide party.


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