"Nudity" in GTA: San Adreas
Ok. Here's my issue:
The "Hot Coffee" mod only works on the PC version, right? Maybe I'm wrong about this. I believe it's only the PC version though. I don't know if the code for the x-rated stuff is on all versions of the game or not, but whatever...If it IS only the PC version, then why change the "M" rating to "AO" on ALL copies of all versions? Ok so anyway...you still are supposed to be 17 or older to buy the "M" rated games. So retailers shouldn't be selling it to underage gamers anyway, obviously. Also, when parents choose to buy a game that is "M" rated and then complain about a game being too violent or graphic for their children, well that's their own damn fault, isn't it now. Yeah, they weren't expecting the nudity and the pornography but their kids, being under 17, weren't supposed to see the game at all. Now, throwing all the rules and regulations keeping the game out of the hands of underage people, as many adults have done whether they are the parents or the people selling the game, we still have the issue of the "Hot Coffee" mod which must be downloaded.
I have parents. Parents watch the news. My parents watched the news. They definitely knew about things going on in the world before I did. I didn't care for the news. This GTA porn thing I didn't know about myself until I saw something about it on the news. I'm sure that a TON of kids never saw the pornography in GTA: San Andreas until they came over the news talking about "you go to this web site and download the hot coffee fix and then you can see the pornography". Oh good...so go and tell everyone how to do it. That'll fix the issue, right?
Ok so now that parents and alot of kids know how to do it, most likely because they were watching TV while their parents were watching the news, they are going to go jump on the computer and try to see if they can get it to work. What are the parents doing at this point? What SHOULD they be doing? Telling their kids not to try it. 9 times out of 10, they don't pay any attention to what their kids are doing on the internet. They can get to whatever porn they want to most of the time and their parents will never find out about it. They just want to do this GTA: San Andreas hack thing because it's cool. Parents schmarents...they aren't doing their job most of the time when it comes to things like this. In today's age, parents have lost alot of control over their kids.
Time for the WAKEUP CALL!!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news to all the parents but guess what.
Kids see nudity before they turn 18!! Oh my god!!
Could you imagine? A boy never having seen nudity signs up for the marines on his 18th birthday and goes off and gets killed in Iraq. Yeah...that's right...old enough to get killed for the country that says he's not old enough to have the level of responsibility to drink alcohol, but he can go and get killed in a war that his country is in. An 18 year old kid goes and gets his legs blown off by a road side bomb in Iraq. He's medically discharged from the Marines, the one thing he wanted to do for his entire life, taken away from him. Now what can he do? Not have a drink, that's for sure. He'd go to jail for it. Again, he should have died, his beneficiaries would have gotten alot of money. That's ok though...he's expendable, right? That brings me to the next point.
Kids have their first alcoholic drink before 21!! Oh no!!
Alot of kids are looking at pornography and doing drugs and taking part in other illegal activities, sometimes not even because they want to but just because they know they can get away with it because their parents aren't paying attention!! Yeah!!
So...don't blame Rockstar. Don't blame the rating system. Don't blame the kids. You know who to blame:
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