What I Thought While on the Pot: Biggest Loser of 2005

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Biggest Loser of 2005

It's that time again! That exciting part of the year where we look back at 2005 and named the world's biggest loser!
This year, the world's biggest loser is Steven Shipman of Denver, CO! Congratulations, Steven! You haven't seen or talked to your 5 year old son in Colorado Springs for over 2 years! Nor have you payed a single dime of child support since the court ordered you pay 260 dollars per month since the year 2000! You've ignored his birthday for the last 3 straight years and you haven't sent as much as a card for Christmas. Congratulations on beating out millions of competing dead-beat dads around the world to win this prestigious recognition! Keep up the good work!


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