What I Thought While on the Pot: California Seeks to Quadruple Cigarette Tax

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

California Seeks to Quadruple Cigarette Tax

From Yahoo News.
They say they want to raise the tax on cigarettes to raise money for a "various health programs". Let's be honest. Remember...wasn't there just recently a huge tax increase? I really wish I could find a good link to information on what I'm about to talk about. Trust me, it was in the news awhile back.
Anyway, there was a vote to increase taxes on tobacco products. It was approved because the people for it all said that the money would go toward programs to get people to stop using the tobacco products. It would also go to schools to teach more about the health problems associated with tobacco use and so forth. It was all a very noble cause. The problem was when someone actually traced where all the money from increased taxes on the products actually went to. Out of the billions of dollars that were made from the extra money, less than 1 percent went to programs dealing with stopping smoking. That's right. Less than 1 percent of the money. It went to things like tax subsidies to tobacco farmers. It went to the war in Iraq. It went to a pay increase in congress. It went to many many things except for what it was said was intended for. This new tax increase will be nothing different, I'm sure it will prove.
Here's an arcicle on Proposition 99. It's a good read.
As you can tell by reading this post, I can find hardly anything backing up what I'm saying here...but uhh...I'll keep looking and update my post later.


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