What I Thought While on the Pot: USPS to Raise Price of a Stamp Again (shock breaks out nation wide....yeah)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

USPS to Raise Price of a Stamp Again (shock breaks out nation wide....yeah)

Remember when they raised the price of a stamp to 37 cents? The USPS claimed that it was because more people were using email, so they weren't bringing in enough money anymore to pay for their expenses. Here's a thought, assholes:
If more people are using email and online billpay and so forth, then the level of service that you provided is no longer required. So here's what you do. Fire about half your employees, decommision about half your mail delivery trucks, close about half your post offices in the world. That should about take care of your extra costs. You can thank me with a nice care package sent via UPS or FedEx. NOW, the post office is out of debt. Hmm...how did they make their way out of debt with all those lost revenues? Well...anyway, they are out of debt, but there was a recent congressional mandate that the USPS put 3 billion dollars into Escrow. So they say they are having to raise the cost of a stamp to 39 cents to cover that cost. They are planning on a 1.3 billion dollar surplus this year alone. So in 3 years, they will have well over 3 billion dollars extra laying around with nothing to do. I wish I had that problem. Do you think they will lower the price of a stamp once the 3 billion is in Ecrow? I'm sure they will.


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