What I Thought While on the Pot: Review: Need for Speed Most Wanted

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Review: Need for Speed Most Wanted

That one word was going to be my entire post because it really sums it all up. But I figured there might be some readers that might find that description to be inadequate so here I go.
I popped in the game, installed it, and fired it up. Immediately the cinematics are amazing. It's crazy the way they made them. They use real actors (such as hot as hell Josie Moran) and film them on a green screen and then add in the computer generated stuff later. The racing physics are great. The environment is great. You go through objects in the road, you drive over bumpy, rocky, uneven ground that throws off your handling. You'll notice cobblestone vibrations. I play the PC version and if you do also, you'll notice the intense level of graphics in the game. I assume the Xbox 360 version will have as good or better graphics displays as the PC version. I'm sure the regular XBOX and the PS2 versions both suffer from lack of amazing looking graphics, however I would still recommend the game because it's just plain fun. I've played a ton of racing games and I have my favorites and others that I just plain hate. For example: Juiced...hated it. L.A. Rush...hated it. I have my reasons. Other people rave about both those games. I'm like please. They both offer nothing new and nothing worth my time to play. Need for Speed Most Wanted is the greatest of any street racing style game out there. Almost a feel of a Burnout style game at times. Other times a Flatout style game. It does feel more like Need for Speed Underground 2, but not so much as to turn people off from it if they didn't like NFSU2. I for one, wasn't a big fan of NFSU2. Ok so you can customize your cars. Ok so you can free roam. Personally, I got very bored with the free roaming and having to drive for 5 or 10 minutes in the open just to get to the next race. Please let me skip. Thanks, Street Racing Syndicate! For those who played it, Street Racing Syndicate absolutely sucked for PS2 and Xbox and rocked for the PC version. Don't ask me why...I played all 3 versions. I can't figure it out either. PC version all the way. Need for Speed Underground offers everything good from all the previous games and leaves out the bad stuff that wasn't such a big hit. In NFSMW back is the all famous police chases from Hot Pursuit!! It's great. You'll be driving along blowing past your competition or leaving them in the dust and suddenly you'll fly around a corner and there will be a cop car or two sitting there waiting for you. They'll try to set up road blocks and stop you from getting away. The cop cars are alot easier to spin out than another racer is. Just get on their left or right rear and steer into them.
Buy this game! It's great!!


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