Pat Robertson...uhhh....yeah...
"In voting on Tuesday, eight Dover, Pennsylvania, school board members up for re-election lost their seats after trying to introduce a statement on "intelligent design" to high school biology students. Adherents of intelligent design argue that certain forms in nature are too complex to have evolved through natural selection and must have been created by a "designer." Opponents say it is the latest attempt by conservatives to introduce religion into the school science curriculum."
So, of course, those 8 Dover people were voted out by the people of Dover and replaced with people who would not interfere with the separation of religion from schools. In agreement, if you want your children to grow up and learn nothing but Christian beliefs and to be completely shielded from everything else in the world and to be completely shocked and outraged (which nearly ALL eventually are) when they finally go out in the world on their own, then by all means, have your children to go a Christian school. Otherwise, don't try to tell public schools what they should and shouldn't teach your children.
On his show that should have been cancelled long ago, 700 Club, Pat Robertson basically condemned the city of Dover. He said that the people shouldn't be surprised if they soon are faced with the wrath of god and he goes on to tell the people not to ask for God's help if they are dealt tough times ahead because God would not answer. So here's Pat Robertson, a guy who can't say four words in a row without referencing a portion of the bible (update: I was thinking of Jack Van Impe when I said this), who know has gone so far and thinks so highly of himself that he can know and speak God's will. "God will not help you because you turned your back on Him," or something similar were his words. If Pat knows the bible so well, he should know by now that God is all judging and all forgiving. A man is not to be judged by any other man, but only by God himself. So Pat thinks of himself as God, I gather from his statements. No man should ever try to tell another man that God is not going to be there for him. That's completely asinine. Especially for someone in Pat Robertson's position who speaks to millions of brain warped watchers every week.
So Pat, if you read this blog, go read your bible completely through again and pay close attention to what it says. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned somewhere deep in biblical interpretation as to where you might find a clue.
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