What I Thought While on the Pot: Camera Technology and the Lack of Use

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Camera Technology and the Lack of Use

I have an amazing digital camera. I can take crystal clear photos large enough to make posters out of. High quality, high resolution photos. I use my camera to take pictures of nature. Animals, scenery. When I go hiking I take it with me and I take perfect pictures of beautiful things. I can also use it to take great pictures of people. I can even take a picture from a great distance and I can use the camera zoom to bring them in closer and take a picture so clear that I can look at the photo and immediately tell who it is. It's not even a question. This technology is wonderful! I can open up any magazine and see amazing pictures of incredible quality of celebrities or a model or whomever it might be.
The problem is: Why the FUCK doesn't anyone use it for a goddamned purpose!?
Someone robs a bank and they report it on the news and they show the "suspect" and it's a blur who's own momma wouldn't be able to recognize in a million years. Why have cameras in banks when they are such poor quality and take such terrible photos of the people in the bank? I really hope the banks saved a lot of money on a discount camera deal and then passed the savings along to me in the manner of free checking or something, because they definitely aren't able to use those cheap ass cameras to take pictures of a damn thing.
Same goes for department stores or jewelry stores. Nowadays, they have cameras all over the place taking "pictures" or maybe even video of everyone. When they take a picture of someone who is a suspect, they post it all over the TV and internet asking for help identifying the person in the photo. Yeah right. Good luck with that.
In this day and age when you can download a full professional quality movie off of the internet and burn it and make professional quality DVDs for free using your home computer, it's amazing to me that we can barely manage to take blurry unrecognizable photos of bank robbers, murderers and thieves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely completely and totaly true! Each and every word of it. Loved your blog. I'll have to watch for updates. Tom

7:37 PM  

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