What I Thought While on the Pot: Cutting Programs for the Poor

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Cutting Programs for the Poor

So as you've no doubt seen stories about in the news, the republicans are once again trying to cut programs for the poor. They say it won't have any effect on foodstamps or free lunches now, but they tried to cut those and realized that they wouldn't be able to get a majority vote if they did because of all the republicans that were afraid they might not be re-elected if they did), but I would question that intensely. Instead of cutting funding from all the other countries that we help around the world, the republicans look first to the U.S. American people to take money from. I supposed when you're rich and live in a nice part of the suburbs and you never see anything but your rich neighbors around you and you go to work and write up insane bills with your rich friends, you simply forget about all the millions of Americans that don't have what you have. Well what can you do? It happens! :\
Bush says "I need 80 billion for the war in Iraq". A few months later. "Did I say 80 billion? Oh well I need 72 billion more." And of course there is no limit on how much Bush could ask for and there is no amount that is "too much" to be approved because if you don't give him the money for the war then you aren't "supporting the troops".
So Bush wants to continue to give more and more billions in money and support to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan while at the same time cutting programs that American families rely on to feed their children. That's republicans for you.
During all this, guess who gets a raise? You guessed it. Republican controlled congress voted to give themselves a $3100 dollar per year "cost of living" raise. That's a 3100 dollar raise just for cost of living. My last cost of living raise gave me an additional 150 dollars for the YEAR. For the YEAR. My utilities bill this year alone is more than double what it was this time last year and fortunately I can still afford it. Other families out there however, not that they are going to have their assistance programs cut, are going to have to find somewhere to get more money to feed their children and more money to keep them warm in the winter. At the same time congress says "heating bills are going to be higher this year...3100 bux should cover it. Ney or yay...YAY!"


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