Saturday, December 03, 2005
Once in awhile, someone raises their price for certain things. They usually attribute the raise to "inflation". The only thing that is usually inflated is the business owner's pockets. Sometimes, that business owner's product sources will raise their prices and THEY will attribute it to "inflation" because of higher gas prices or whatever it might be. 99 percent of the time, it's higher gas prices they blame. However, do you think that when gas prices go back down, those people lower back down their prices? Not hardly. When their costs go up, they pass the cost increase along to the consumers. When their costs go down, they simply profit more while we continue to pay more. Inflation is something that was invented a long time ago by rich business men who sat around thinking of ways to get richer while the poor people stay poor. This year in particular, gas prices have soared. Many people couldn't or could barely afford to heat their homes before. Forget about any chance of that now. The cost to pay for the bare essentials of living keep rising while pay checks continue to decline or don't move up at all. It's hard to get a pay raise from a company who claims "inflation" has driven up their costs. Usually, that causes benefits to be cut or something else that people have to pay more out of their pockets for. If it's not one thing, it's another. The second you DO get a pay raise, you can guarantee that your out of pocket costs for something else will take care of that increase in money for you, and then some. Good thing the dollar menu at McDonalds is still $1. I might starve if it weren't for them.
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