What I Thought While on the Pot: I don't understand...Masons

Saturday, December 03, 2005

I don't understand...Masons

I guess people like to be a part of something. My mom's side of the family have been Masons for as far back as they can be traced. They all had names like "George Washington Moyer" and "Benjamin Franklin Moyer" and so forth. Most likely, they were members of the Odd Fellows of America, from what I know of the organizations in the area where most of them have lived in the last couple hundred years. I guess my mom was probably raised in a Masonic way, whatever that might be, but she never talked much about it. I guess when you marry a Catholic raised man, compromises have to be made. I have nothing against any group or religious organization in particular. BUT WHY THE BUMPER STICKERS?! From what I've read or heard, the Masons of any group have a certain attribute about themselves to identify themselves to each other. Whether it be wearing a certain color or a secret handshake. Now apparently, some of them have taken it upon themselves to advertise themselves. I guess it's no different from people with things like "Jesus Loves you" or whatever on their cars. The main difference is that the Masons don't go door to door trying to get people to join them. They only take in people who go to them with interest in joining. Even if you want to join, you have to first have someone to vouch for you and then you have to have some sort of connection to them. I guess I might be able to get right in. I'll just tell them I'm a descendant of the wealthy Moyer family from York County, PA of 1711.
Speaking of bumper decorations, someone stole my "Support Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll" support ribbon. Dirty thieves!


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