What I Thought While on the Pot: Now Look at This. He asks for MORE MONEY!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Now Look at This. He asks for MORE MONEY!!

When I was a kid, sometimes there would be something that I really wanted. I would ask my parents for money. Usually I would ask my mom first and she would say that I had to talk to my dad. I hated talking to my dad about wanting money for something, but 9 times out of 10 he would eventually give it to me. He's a great dad. He seemed to always have the cash on him. It was great and made me very happy. Now, if my dad gave me 10 bux that I had asked for then, the next day I went back and asked for another 10 bux, he would tell me to forget it. What did I do with the other 10 bux, he would ask. He would talk to me about managing my money better and talk to me about being more careful on what I spent it on because the next day there might be something I want more. I understood. I never asked for money like that again.
When Bush asks for 80 billion dollars, then 72 billion dollars a few months later, then 82 billion dollars a few months later, then 70 billion a few months later and more money here and there, bringing a total to 400 billion dollars, nobody questions it. Everyone just signs off on it. "Oh it's for the war". If I asked my dad for 10 bux for a new nintendo game, knowing it wasn't enough, my dad would say "are you sure it's only 10 bux?" Then I would say "Oh yes it's only 10 dollars, dad". Then the next day I go back and ask for another 20 bux, he would say "I thought you said it was only 10 bux". I would say "Well..turns out it's more than 10 bux...I didn't know". Then he gives me the additional 20 bux. The next day I come back and I tell him that I need another 10 bux. Then he says "ok ok...exactly how much is this video game for crying out loud?" I say "Well it's 30 bux." "Well what about the 10 bux I gave you the other day? That with the 20 bux from yesterday makes 30." I would then say "Well I spent the first 10 bux on something else since it wasn't enough for the game so now I need the entire amount." He would then lecture me once more about managing my money. I would say I understood.
Nobody questions where the money is going and what exactly it's being spent on. Then, in the same breath Bush asks for more and more billions of dollars to spend on wars in the middle east to secure oil futures, he talks about how Americans should try to become less addicted to OIL! When people talk to him about all these billions of dollars and where the money is going to come from for these wars, he says "Oh it's ok...we're going to take the money out of the food stamps programs and programs like medicare and medicaid." He actually asked for and was GRANTED a bill that restricts the growth of medicaid and medicare! In order to fight this war and try to make his daddy happy with him and make him and his buddies richer as they bathe in oil, he's taking money away from the lower and middle class people who are struggling to make it day to day. They live paycheck to paycheck and now it's only going to get harder. Programs are being cut from schools that feed their children. Imagine making $1000 per month and that goes to housing, clothes, utilities, other bills. That's about it. There goes your 1000 bux. But that's ok because you have government help that helps to feed your kids and helps with their medical bills. Now imagine that that food and that medical bill help is stripped away. That easily adds another 300-800 per month of costs. That is completely unreasonable for anyone to be able to handle on 1000 per month. But that's ok. As they starve in the dark basement with their sick children dying because they can't afford medical care, they can be happy because they know that their own personal sacrifice helps some family in Iraq have better schools, better food, better clothes than they and millions of other families have right here in our own country.


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