What I Thought While on the Pot: Boredom in Holywood....I guess...I dunno...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Boredom in Holywood....I guess...I dunno...

Here's a link to what I'm going to comment on ----> Witherspoon Clothing Whoops on Yahoo News.
Ok so the jist is that Reece Witherspoon wore the same dress as Kirsten Dunst wore to the Golden Globes like 3 years ago and everyone is throwing a shit-fit about it. Oh my god. Someone actually has the same dress as someone else? You know that brings back old memories of mine. This one time, when I was 14 years old, I went to school in a pair of Levis and this other kid was wearing the EXACT same Levis! I was shocked and appauled!! My football buddies will just never let me live that one down. Just the other day we were all enjoying hors'devours while shopping for balerina figurines on QVC and we were talking about all the fuss in holywood about the dresses and our jeans and we were like hey were'e just the same as they are. GGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!


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