I Wonder What it's Like to Die
So, let's say that all who have died before judgement day are suddenly waken and put before God or Jesus for judgement. Then, if they are accepted to heaven, what's that like? What is your existence in heaven like? Is it all that great? I understand that if you go to hell you are supposed to be burned in the flamed for all of eternity and you are going to be tortured and so forth. However, in heaven are you rewarded with everything you ever wanted or do you simply avoid the flames and torture but at the same time are doomed to an existence of bordom? According to some stories Satan didn't really do much to get thrown out of heaven. God made Lucifer a perfect being with free will. Perfect beauty, wisdom and all. This wisdom was a direct reflection of the wisdom of God himself. With this wisdom, Lucifer made a choice in free will to oppose God's will. For this, Lucifer and all those who were behind him were cast from Heaven. So...why would man want to go to Heaven? Certainly we would not gain all wisdom or any sort of power in the hierarchial structure of heaven. We would simply BE with no rhyme or reason. And the second we chose to use any of our free will to do anything that God disliked, we would be cast from that place. Here on Earth, everyone sins regularly and we are, some say, punished for those sins by things like illness, bad fortune, terrible tragedies that happen to us. Others claim that any time something bad happens, it's not god, but Satan who is inflicting these things on us. I would challenge that point of view because Satan's whole reason for his actions was that he disliked the way God was treating all other beings and chose to rule his own kingdom as one which opposed the "do good or you will be punished" sort of thing. Satan would actually reward behavior that would be considered by God to be a sin. I say it would then, by this reasoning, be God himself who is the punisher of bad actions and choices if this does indeed happen.
Another point that should be brought up is that it is said that Satan and his angels were cast from heaven. It doesn't say they were cast into any sort of firey pit of damnation. I would suggest that this place they went when cast from hell was indeed the realm of existence that we humans currently take dwelling. This existence and the way people go through it, is filled with ours and everyone else's free will choices that we make every day. For example, someone else's free will may be imposed on others forcing them to make choices that may cause their free will to be imposed on others and so forth and so on. It's never ending. In all this, we humans can make choices to make MORE humans from our own images, or rather a combination or our image and another. More often than not, people of a race choose to mate with people of the same race. In my case, I'm white and my girlfriend who is currently 9 months pregnant is of Native American and Mexican descent. Our child will not look like either of us, but rather a combination. Why then would God allow sinful humans to commit another act of sin to produce another human and bring them and introduce them into a place below the greatness of Heaven and is full of sin? Makes not much sense to me. Perhaps when I die, these things will all be explained to me. Perhaps not. If God punishes us and condemns us from birth to a life of hellish existence, why then do so many people put their faith into God with the hope that they will be accepted into the very kingdom of Heaven that Lucifer was banished from. My idea from this is that man it put on earth and put through the tests of life to determine if he or she is worthy of acceptance into heaven. Is it so then that Lucifer himself could some day gain acceptance into Heaven once more? I think not.
Man is so vain himself to suggest that he himself could be more of a perfect being than Lucifer, who was created by god as a perfect being, could be. In this, man would suggest that he himself could live through his entire life and be proven to God to be more perfect than a being that God himself could ever create, but was instead created by the man's mother and father in an act of sin. How much of an obomination is THIS?! For this very reasoning, man himself through his quest to prove himself a perfect being should be punished by God himself for suggesting to God that God is imperfect himself!!
Based on this theology, the man who accepts that he is inferior and who accepts his sins and shortcomings and all mistakes and bad things that he commits, should be rewarded for proving his knowledge that he knows that he can never prove himself to be more perfect than God himself or anything God could ever create in his image of perfection. For these actions, Satan would choose to reward because God does not, or so is the belief. Man would be more righteous then to put his faith in the acceptance of Lucifer himself as the offspring of God having improved wisdom and superior knowledge of how man should be treated in his existence. If heaven is nothing more than trying to prove perfection, then heaven should not be a place to be taken to when rewarded. The only place to be sent to when rewarded of the known realms of existence, is back to earth where man is free to impose his free will, once again, on others.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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