Saturday, March 11, 2006
You may have heard a new song by a relatively new artist Rihanna played on the radio called “SOS”. I’ve heard it a few times on the radio and it’s a fine song. What struck me was the radio announcer saying “You guys have been asking for this song all day and here it is! SOS by Rihanna! This song sure it catchy with a familiar tune that if you haven’t heard yet, here’s your chance…get ready!” Guess what, dickhead. That familiar tune? Yeah, that’s Tainted Love by Soft Cell which has been remade by probably a dozen people since the original. My personal favorite is the Marilyn Manson version. Anyway, this song “SOS” has no originality to it at all obviously re using a classic sound from Tainted Love and the vocals are not impressive in the least bit. Rihanna pretty much talks through the entire song and in the rare occasion that she makes an attempt at singing, she does a terrible job. So what is the appeal to this song, I wonder...well Rihanna is hot and she’s marketable and a lot of money has been put into getting her air time on the radio and a lot of photo shoots and so forth. It’s sort of like Britney Spears. When was the last time you heard a new Britney Spears song on the radio? A year? 2 years? I couldn’t even tell you, yet she’s on the cover of every magazine, tabloid and TV gossip show in the world. She had a baby, got married, supposedly had marriage problems, supposedly doesn’t have marriage problems, supposedly pregnant again. She drove around being chased by paparazzi and tried to get away in a hurry to protect her baby from the vultures and she accidentally drove a little ways with her baby in her lap and they try to blame Britney for it. Ok ok…so that news story made national news and it was on the national TV news and I’m like WTF yall. The girl has no talent, is not very attractive, is pretty stupid, is married to a stupid guy…end of fucking story. Get over it now would you? Ok thanks. I’m tired of hearing about this talentless hairball. I don’t buy those magazines and I don’t buy those tabloids and I don’t watch those TV channels. In all my efforts to avoid stories about Britney Spears, the only place I can turn to without Britney Spears is…you know what I’m going to say…the radio.
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