Saturday, February 18, 2006
I could really use this money. I'm just not cut out for the day to day of a normal working life. I'm much more suited to live the life of a rich man with many millions of dollars. Driving fast cars, fast bikes, doing things that most people only dream of. You know what I would do if I had 365 million dollars? I'd give it to everyone I know that lives through the same daily struggles as I do. I would use it to make everyone I know as happy as I could. I would of course buy things that I would like to have like some chocolate or something. Then I would some on the women in my life. Mostly my soon-to-be daughter, Lindrielle. I don't know if there's some secret in the universe or some force or devine being that decides who might win the lottery. I don't know if everyone who has won has done the same thing before they won. All I can do is buy my ticket and hope that my numbers are all called. Winning for anyone is truly a life changing event that changes the world around them. I would hope that if someone is truly happy, that it would not change that about them. All this because money is what runs the world. If it weren't for money, nobody would have anything or everyone would have everything. Man would be united and everyone would do for everyone out of the goodness of their heart. Or nobody would ever do anything and nothing would ever get done because there would be no incentive to do so. The nature of man is unkind and unknowing. I guess that's why the world has its religions.
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