What I Thought While on the Pot: My Thoughts on Politicians and Homosexuality

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Thoughts on Politicians and Homosexuality

There is a guy that is running for Congress for Colorado named Jeff Crank. His big thing he advertises in his new commercial is that he has a "5 year plan" for eliminating the nation's debt. Funny how all these politicians running for their first term in anything all have "5 year plans" when they know darn well that their term is only 4 years if elected. That leaves them with the option of saying "Well now you have to re-elect me so I can continue my 5 year plan". Otherwise, they'll say "well the plan didn't work because you guys didn't re-elect me and my successor didn't continue with it". Nevermind that the first 4 years of their "5 year plan" yielded no results whatesoever. They just needed that last final 5th year to get 'er done. Shut up. Then if they DO get elected, they start focusing everyone's attention on other things or the claim that their ideas were grand but they had nobody backing them up. Shut up. I'm tired of these politicians. I will NEVER vote for anyone who claims to have a "5 year plan" for anything.
On homosexuals now: They are gay.


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