What I Thought While on the Pot: School's Closed because of Snow!!! YAYYY!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

School's Closed because of Snow!!! YAYYY!!!

Well...all the CHRISTIAN schools are closed anyway. I'm mean WTF...seriously.
There was a small snow storm today. Early in the morning. About 5 inches of snow. No big deal. However, most of the schools in the area were closed. Ok. That's good. I guess some of the side streets were slick or whatever. Tomorrow, it's supposed to be 62 degrees. Right now, the roads are wet in some spots and dry in others. It's about 45 degrees outside right now at nearly 11pm. There is no snow on the roads or anything. However, they just flashed on the bottom of the TV screen that there will be a few school closings tomorrow morning as well. Here's a short listing:
Holy Cross School of Christ
Colorado Springs Christian School
Corpus Christi Catholic School
Devine Holy School
Evangelical Christian School
etc etc etc.....
All the regular public schools are open.
EVERY Christian school in town is closed tomorrow!
I mean what the fuck people? Honestly. Why close THOSE schools? If every public school in the state were closed down, all the Christians schools should still be OPEN!! Why? GOD WILL PROTECT THEM!!!
So basically all the bullshit they teach the kids in school is null and void when it really comes down to it.
God will protect and save you! God loves his children!....Oh but don't try to get to school to learn more about god because you might get killed in a wreck...but that would be the devil's fault because God doesn't do bad things to good Christian people.
I saw another thing on the TV about this woman who adopted a kid and a little over a year later, she beat the kid until he died. Then one of the woman's friends says "I always knew her to be a good Christian mother". CHRISTIAN mother? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? So Christian people don't do bad things? How about those Catholic Priests that molest little boys?
So you want me to go to a church and have some guy who molests little children try to teach ME wright from motherFUCKING wrong????!?!?!?! HAHAAH!!!! If you think that's the way to be, then you must be Christian.


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