Movie Review: Spider-Man 3
Ok so in the scene when the alien takes over Peter, you can clearly see that Peter is wearing an original red and blue suit and the alien just covers it. When Peter gets the alien off of him, he has to tear it away as he hits the bell. When he does, there is no suit left. Only the alien that drips to the floor below on top of Eddie Brock Jr, sir. I work at the Daily Bugle and I'm dating your daughter. They improvised the story of when Peter proves Brock's story to be a fake. They did a believable job at this in fact. I love the way they did Sandman in this movie. Really looked like sand and I really enjoyed Church as the Sandman. I also enjoy how they showed him getting his "favorite shirt"...heh. Ok so uhhh...
I liked how they did the black flowing suit. Looked nice in the movie.
Ok I'm all done with what's "good" about the movie.
Peter cries like a little girl several places in the movie.
When the black suit influences his emotions, he's becomes gay. Apparently the alien is gay. He dances around and does stupid shit walking downtown on the sidewalk. And this scene lasts for like 25 minutes in the movie. OMFG we get it. He's a retard. Get back to it already.
Then Harry as Gobby Jr hits his head fighting Spiderman and can't remember the last couple of years. Then a few scenes later suddenly he remembers and tries to steal MJ from Peter. This leads to one of the girly crying scenes.
Then MJ loses her job and never gets another one except for in the jazz club. Please. Should have left the end of the movie with her getting a movie part or somethin'. Then Venom explodes and completely disappears as though one of these little exploding bombs could completely disintegrate him where as anyone else it simply throws them across the room or disfigures them.
You always know when the end of a Spider-Man movie is coming because his mask gets torn. I mean damn...that fool has got to spend alot of time sewing.
And the part where he got rid of the suit? Should have incorporated a scene with the Fantastic Four there like in the comics. I mean...there is a new FF film coming out soon. What a great cameo that would have made.
Speaking of cameos, Stan Lee showing up in every Marvel movie is becoming less and less discreet. He stands there talking to Peter.
Gobby Jr dies. More crying. Neither MJ nor Harry ever tell Peter that Harry made her break up with him. There is a hug at the end. Did they get back together or what? And how come Peter wasn't 86ed from the club for the fight? And he hit MJ. Cops should have come. Peter should be in jail. You know he can't afford bail cuz of his crappy job. Oh wait...he got the staff job when he was black suited Spider-Man being a dick. Did he keep the job or what? And why didn't he move into a nicer place? All he did was buy a new suit for walking around down dancing like a homo and pointing and winking at chicks walking around. Boooo.....
By the way, I'm not going to go on anyone's Gay Rights radio show to apologize for using the word "homo" on my blog.
That is all...
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