Christianity is driving adoptions...not loving parents.
Oh so now it's "We must adopt these kids from this countries where they don't teach Christian values!! We must spread the word of Jesus and implant these thoughts into these young children while we can!!"
Now Christians aren't happy brainwashing kids born in America. People with enough money like Brad Pitt, that big lipped Angelina chick, and that one scary looking old blonde woman that used to be half attractive 30 years ago when she was still a virgin (yeah right) are able to snatch up kids from other countries and brainwash them. Are there not any children left in the United States in foster homes? It has nothing to do with that, though. It has to do with taking someone who may have never even heard of Jesus and bringing them the light!!! Hallelujah!!! Yes's got something to do with that. What is has MOST to do with though is to make certain that the religious beliefs of the parents DO NOT CONTINUE through the blood line. Snatch up all of some kids from some village where they don't teach about Jesus to people, take them to the US and start the brain reprogramming. Tadaaa...more zombies.
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