What I Thought While on the Pot: Smoking Ban in Colorado Starting July 1st

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Smoking Ban in Colorado Starting July 1st

Personally, I've been looking forward to July 1st ever since I first heard that the new legislation was passed. I bowl and shoot pool and bowling is normally ok because they have decent ventilation in most places with fans going and nobody on my team smokes and most people who do keep it away from where we sit. Shooting pool however it seems that NO place where you can go and shoot pool has any ventilation of any kind. Especially in winter, when they don't open a window or a door, the whole place fills up in a fog and if you are on a pool team, you're in there for a few hours and when you come out you are smelling like smoke and your clothes are horrible. I have to go straight home and wash my clothes so you can't smell them sitting in the dirty clothes bin. I like to wear my leather jacket but forget about it when heading to the pool hall. I'd rather wear a t-shirt on a cold winter day instead of choosing to ruin my expensive jacket.
Another issue is that I have a 3 week old daughter. When she gets to be a bit older, and we start taking her more places with us, it's going to be nice to not have to worry about health effects from people's smoke when we go out. Alot of older people who have been hopelessly addicted to nicotine for decades are whining about the ban a ton. So what. I don't like them anyway. Besides, they can start dipping or chewing tobacco instead if they need. I know I personally will get more into doing things out of the house once there are places I can go and not have to worry about smelling like smoke. Thanks for the ban, fellas.
Oh and for all those business owners that are worried about losing their "regulars", you are going to find that you have new regulars once this ban goes into effect. I was a regular at a pool hall called Corner Pocket west until I just couldn't take my eyes being bloodshot from the irritating smoke every night. I haven't been there in about a year but I'll gladly make my return in July.


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