What I Thought While on the Pot: Don't Play Violent Video Games!! Warning!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Don't Play Violent Video Games!! Warning!!

If you play violent video games, you will be desenitized to real world violence! That's what the Carnagey at Iowa State University says anyway. Go read the story at Yahoo. They said they had a bunch of adult college student play "violent video games" and another bunch play non violent video games. Then they have them watch real world violent video and they monitor their reactions.
Ok now where do I start?
1) The "violent video games" they had the people play were Mortal Kombat 1 (yes the original one with graphics you could barely make out), Carmageddon, Duke Nukem, and Future Cop. hahaha!! I just listed the most violent video games in video game history, did I not? Even if you are just going to do old ass games, where's Splatterhouse? So basically they think that going around with make believe 16 bit guns and shooting alien pig monsters from space is in some way equivalent to real world beheadings and other forms of real world violence of people upon people and car crashes 'n things like that; at least in the eyes of college students. College students I said...not 1st graders. Please...whatever...please...
2) They say they did this test on adult college students. They go on to talk about the serious effect on children. They didn't do the study on children. They assume that a test they do on fully developed adult college students has some bearing on how children might react in the same situations. This test was clearly faulty. Nobody is going to be less sensitive to someone shooting themselves in the head in real life if they see a video game of a guy made out of ice shooting an ice beam and freezing someone. This story is retarded.
You know what...I'm all worked up now. I'm done with this blog entry...


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