What I Thought While on the Pot: Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (PC)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (PC)

When Battlefield 2 first came out on the PC, I ran out and bought it because I heard how great it was supposed to be an all my friends ran out and bought it. They all really enjoyed it. I had a shitty video card and I didn't think the graphics were all that great. They were great on some of my friend's machines, but I had to play on the lowest settings just to get like 40 fps. I didn't enjoy it at all. Even when I did play, I kept getting killed and really didn't understand why. I couldn't control the planes or the helicopters. I really had a bad time and thought the game just really wasn't my bag.
HOWEVER, I now have a 7900 GTO video card and BF2 is now the greatest game....EVER. Well Prey (single player) is pretty kick ass too. But I'm totally loving BF2 now. Having such a great time playing on-line. Shooting missiles at takes from my plane or whatever. Shooting down helicopters with my tank. Haha...
Yeah I know you're supposed to get the checkpoints and all that. But this is hella fun....hehe


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