What I Thought While on the Pot: Thoughts of the Day

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thoughts of the Day

If you are at the front of a line of cars waiting for a green turn arrow to turn left at a busy intersection, pay fucking attention to the light!!! You have a responsibility to everyone behind you to keep a sharp eye trained on that light. Your eyes should be fucking glued to it. You know damned well that when the cross traffic stops, that means your arrow is about to appear. PAY ATTENTION!!! If I'm 3 cars back and I don't make it through the light that I've been waiting on for 5 minutes because of your dumb ass, then I'm running the light, following you and kicking your ass for being a moron.
If you don't know what you're doing, don't choose the busiest time of the day on a Saturday afternoon at Wal-mart to try to figure out the self checkout counter. You may have been in the wal-mart for hours window shopping and picking out things for your shitty house, but some of us have run in there for one thing and want to run out and now we have to wait for your dumb ass to figure out what buttons to push to make the machine happy.
Nobody cares about whales. Every time there is a whale doing something like swimming in a river or a bay somewhere, everyone gets upset or excited and it's front fucking page news on Yahoo or CNN or whatever. Then guess what usually happens. If you guessed "the whale dies" you are correct. The whales don't just randomly find their way into a harbor or inlet somewhere because they're lost. They're seeking medical attention. The first thing people do is try to coax the whale back out to sea. Which sometimes works only to have the whale return or beach itself or whatever. But...I don't care. I'm not a big whale fan. Are there any sportsteams called "The Whales"? None that I know of.


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