On the Henry Louis Gates Jr thing...

He was locked out of his house. He was breaking in to his own house. Someone saw this happening and called the cops. The cop, Sgt Crowley, showed up and confronted Gates who called Crowley a racist and said a number of things about Crowleys mother. Things that weren't very friendly. Crowley could have let it go once proof was given that Gates lived there. I haven't seen a ton of details come out about the case yet. How was proof given, for example. I know Gates was leasing the house from Harvard and so someone at the school could have proven Gates lived there. He could have shown mail with his name and address on it and shown ID. The cop followed protocol and did his job. Gates threw a fuckin' fit about it like little kid.
Time and time again, people who are educated, and usually white, believe the law doesn't apply to them. They think that laws are just for criminals. The scum that live on the other side of town. Yes yes..that's what the cops are for. To protect me from those undesireables. To keep them out of MY neighborhood. I have money and a nice car and my peers respect me, there fore I am above committing crimes and if someone DOES accuse me of having done so, they are simply baffoons to be rediculed and called out.
Here's how it works, Mr. Harvard law man. No matter how well you THINK you know the law, you are not above it. Do you get it? Do you understand, Mr. finely educated professor man? Or do I need to sprinkle it down for you?
As I said, it's usually educated WHITE people that pull this shit thinking the laws don't apply to them. But it's especially amusing (for lack of a better word at the time) when an educated minority feels they are being treated improperly when they commit a crime and are punished for it. It's far more amusing because they can then pull the RACE CARD and claim they are being mistreated because they are hispanic or black or asian or anything else other than white. And we all know what happens when someone pulls the race card. That's right. Al Sharpton gets his hair done and starts making television appearances all over all the networks. Jesse Jackson shows up here and there. Fox News blows it up bigger than shit and it becomes their top news story for at least the next 3 days until some little white girl goes missing again.
In my hobbies, bowling, video games, hiking, biking, billiards, swimming, poker, strip clubs (I wish), I have come across all manner of people from all manner of backgrounds. Some that were raised by college deans. Some that grew up in foster homes. Some that did time in prison. Let's talk more about the people who spend time in prison. Everyone I know that was in jail for someone admitted that they were indeed breaking the law. "Yep...I did it...yep...I got caught." Simple as that. They may have been stupid to do what they were doing, but they were not slow to accept responsibility for what they did.
People that are not common criminals, but yet still break a law and get caught all want to show that they are a victim in one way or another. EVERYBODY is a fuckin' victim these days. I can't watch TV for an hour without seeing 15 commercials about calling a lawyer to sue someone else for YOUR dumbass mistakes. Don't know how to do your job because you're a lazy fuck that doesn't pay attention and then you got hurt because you fell asleep while you were operating a lathe? Call me and we can sue your company for $200,000!!!
Oh...I'm being punished for committing a crime because I'm a minority. Oh I'm being punished for committing a crime because I'm young. Because I'm old. Because I'm fat. Because I'm skinny. Because I'm a boy and have an earring. Because I have baggy pants. Because my hair is spiky. NO MOTHERFUCKER...IT'S BECAUSE YOU COMMITTED A CRIME!!!!
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