The Following is FICTION!!
On July 31st, 2006, 12 solid gold tablets were discovered under the right front paw of the Sphinx in Egypt. These tablets have been estimated to be 30,000 years old. These tablets are highly classified for one really good reason. These tablets have engravings in them that are written in PLAIN ENGLISH!!. 30,000 year old tablets written in modern english. As I've said, the tablets were discovered on July 31st. The top of the first tablet says in the first sentence "These tablets will be discovered July 31st, 2006. Now that we have your attention, please continue to read." The tablets go on to describe world events in our immediate future. Most importantly, they talk about a nuclear strike by Iran on Israel on August 22nd of this year. This will be the trigger point that begins World War III. The tablets go on to say that they were actually written in the year 2037 and were sent back in time to when they were sent because the time difference convergance at the time they sent them was chaotic and extreme. Normally they would have sent them back in time only until 2006, however they lacked the control.
Neither here nor there. The important factor of these tablets is the revelation of the beginning of World War III on August 22nd.
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