What I Thought While on the Pot: Lindrielle

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Lindrielle is really growing fast. She's 3 months old today and is already outgrowing her onesies. It's nearly time to go up to the next diaper size. She's very interactive with people. This past weekend, my parents and my grandmother came into town to see her. For my parents this is their first grandchild other than my son John Ethan who was stillborn in 2000. They were very excited to see her. She smiles alot and makes her baby squeels and noises. She really enjoys being here on this Earth. Once, just by chance, I set her in her swing and Blues Clues came on the TV and she was glued to it. She was talking to the host of the show, Steve, and telling him what for. She would get an upset look and start to cry when Blue the dog would lose something. She would get happy again when Steve would start singing. She laughs and squeels in excitement as she watches the show. It's quite entertaining just to sit and watch her reactions to the TV. I don't plan to keep her in front of the TV too much as she gets older. It's simply fascinating to see how interactive she gets with it. She also enjoys watching some cartoons. She wasn't very happy about watching Star Trek the other day, though.
For my birthday on the 11th last Friday, my dad bought me a camcorder. I can hook it up to my computer and stream the videos and save movies there. It's a good thing. I have already taken many videos of her.


Blogger Jennifer said...

I just browsed your baby pictures. I'm sure you get this a lot, but she is so cute!

7:01 PM  

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