XBOX 360 Rants
I bought an XFPS keyboard/mouse adapter awhile back. Thing was ok, but "pretty much sucks" was the general feedback from consumers. I ended up using a work around which involves a Smartjoy Frag for PS2 and some soldering. Really works great IMO. I pwn n00bs all day in Call of Duty 2 and 3 with it. I don't play many other FPS games so I'm not going to list the ones I suck at. hehe...
Anyway...after months of feedback such as "your product blows and we have to mod it to get it to work right", the makers of the product, XCM, have come out with a new version of it with built in sensitivity adjustment. I assume they mean deadzone adjustment. We will soon find out I have no doubt. In my opinion, anyone who bought the original POS product should get this new version for FREE to try it out. If we like it and it works, we send in the old one if we want to keep the new one. Otherwise, they charge us full price for the new one. That would make a good deal right? But they aren't doing that. They expect everyone with a shit first version to pay another 80 bux for the new one. Whatever. They can suck my ballz.
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