What I Thought While on the Pot: Why you Shouldn't Hit Your Kids (or mine)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why you Shouldn't Hit Your Kids (or mine)

If you don't like your kids and your kids know you don't like them, they still count on you for everything they have in their lives from birth on forward. Some parents are parents because they have to be or because they want to be but only some of the time. Other parents do the best they can with their children and when their children disappoint them with their actions, they become angry. Some parents are very loving parents but get stressed out sometimes and don't want to deal with the day to day routine of raising kids.

Let me tell you. If you have kids, that's your life. Whatever you did before you had kids is over now. Sure you can still do some of the same activities and you can get a babysitter and go out from time to time. But the days of doing everything you want all the time are over. RIP your party life.

What hurts worse? When parents who hate their kids hit their kids or when parents who love their kids hit their kids? The loving ones of course. If you play with your children and show them love and affection, they love you back and want to be with you all the time. Then if you hit them, they are so very traumatized by it. "This person who is supposed to love me all the time just inflicted such horrible pain on me in anger and I feel very bad that I made them angry but now I question their love for me."

They may still grow up to be a great person, but they are always going to have that issue with love and trusting people for the rest of their lives...unless they get alot of counseling. It could help.

If parents hate their kids and they hit them, well the kids don't expect much from their parents anyway. They are going to grow up probably hating everyone and taking out all of their anger and rage about their parents on everyone else in the world. Not everyone turns out like this, of course. Some people turn out to be great people despite their shitty parents.

Even the best of parents are subject to losing self control once in awhile. The easy way out is to hit their kids. But ask yourself. If an adult did the same thing, would you hit them too or are you just hitting your kids because you know they can't fight back? If so, you're a coward and you should have your kids taken away from you.


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