Best Contact Lenses

I've made a few reviews here about contact lenses. I've tried many brands from different major manufacturers. Focus Monthly lenses for example were ok. I'd give them an 8 out of 10. Notibly, different brands and products may be better for different people. People have different shaped eyes and such and different products may be more comfortable and more may be more comforming to the shape of people's eyes resulting in better visual accuity. In my personal experience and in my own opinion, I state the following.
Focus Night & Day = 3 out of 10. Good vision. Hurt my eyes. These lenses are supposed to last for 30 days and you aren't supposed to have to take them out for the entire 30 days. Turned out to be a crock in my case. Very expensive at 55 dollars per box on some websites. Some offer them for a bit cheaper. I wouldn't spend the money. Some review for this product have been excellent. Not mine, though.
Purevision = 6 out of 10. Excellent Vision. A little uncomfortable after 3 days of wear. Seems the edges of the lenses are a bit sharp or rough or whatever. After I took them out after 3 days and cleaned them overnight, they just weren't as comfortable as they were when I first put them in. Not worth the money of 50 dollars per box on some websites, IMO.
Acuvue 2 = 8 out of 10. Very comfortable lenses. Could keep these in my eye for a week if I wanted to. The lenses are a 1 - 2 week lens. Acuvue states that you can keep these in your eye for a week and toss them out or wear them daily and toss them after 2 weeks. I had problems with halos on lights at night and sometimes downright fuzzy vision at night even if I had just put them in and went out. They also moved around a bit on my eye causing momentary blurred vision from time to time. Can be annoying.
Acuvue Advance = 10 out of 10. Best lenses I've tried. Just as comfortable as the Acuvue lenses if not more. Vision is excellent all day and night long. You can wear these lenses up to a week at a time, take them out and clean them overnight and wear them for an additional week if you want. Acuvue says you should toss these after 2 weeks but I've been able to wear them daily for a month before tossing and could have gone longer. Well worth the price at 17.95 per box on some websites.
I've tried a few other no name brand lenses that were crap lenses that hurt and didn't help me see much better. I've tried some Halloween style lenses that looked cool but were very uncomfortable.
Other than this review, it's really up to the consumer. I highly recommend trying the Acuvue Advance if you've tried other contacts in the past and found them to be uncomfortable. I'm very picky when it comes to my eyes so for me to give any contact this high of a praise is really saying something.
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