Thursday, August 17, 2006
I live in Colorado now and I lived in Colorado back when Jon Benet Ramsay was killed. I live in Colorado Springs. Don't worry...I was never a suspect. So anyway this blog post is about this John Karr guy who has come forward claiming responsibility for it. I think this guy is insane but I don't think he killed Jon Benet. For one, he said that he drugged her. Autopsy showed no drugs in her system. He had "no comment" when asked how he got into the house. His answers to questions about the case took a long time for him to come up with. He seems like one of those guys who simply wants to take responsibility for it because of the death of Patsy Ramsay and wants to make other people happy by making them feel as though they finally can have peace and lay rest to the mystery. I don't think this guy did it. I don't think it was anyone as insane as this John Karr guy if that makes sense. I think it was sick bastard but I'm not so sure that it was someone who knew that Jon Benet even lived there. I think it might have been someone who simply broke in to a rich family's house and this little girl woke up or whatever and confronted them and they had to quiet her. There are lots and lots of murders around the world that go unsolved. This one is considered "special" because it was a little girl and she was the daughter of rich white folks.
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