So this 120 billion dollar bill (that's alot) looks like it's goign to pass with a 218 to 201 vote. As you can imagine, most of those nay votes are from Republicans. There are a few democrats that weren't happy with it because they wanted the bill their way or no way and they voted against it with actions of compromise. Those particular democrats are idiots and I'm going to find out which ones they are and write them all letters of disapproval. So back to the Republicans. Some of the things the democrats wrote into this bill were 6.4 billion dollars to go to Hurrican Relief efforts. Also 3 billion for agricultural aid. I'm unsure what this agricultural aid means. Probably something I'll bitch about later when I find out exactly what it is. Whatever the reason, it's domestic spending. And get this. Nearly every republican is just LIVID that we are spending money domestically while they want another 100 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan. That's all they care about. Pumping more and more money into Iraqistan to try to take control of these wars that they haven't had control of since day 1. It doesn't matter how much money you spend over there jackasses. Those guys grew up in grass huts and mud houses and they're kicking your ass with BB guns and homemade bombs. You want more money to fund your million dollar missiles and hundred thousand dollar vehicles and guns. There has been enough money spend over there already. The only thing we still need money for is gas for the vehicles. The guns and vehicles can be reused (most of them).
At the same time, there are people dying right here in America that lost everything in Katrina and other hurricanes. New Orleans is still in shambles. Still to this day. Yeah it hasn't been on the news since the anniversary of the Hurrican last year with Brian Williams. But guess what? Nothing but old houses full of mold and tore up. Completely unliveable. Nothing can become of them. They have to be torn down and rebuilt. But no. To this day, most of those houses still sit there. It still looks like the hurricane just happened. And the republicans dare complain about spending some money on helping the people right here in fucking America?
Fuck the republicans...
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