What I Thought While on the Pot: Snobby Little Rich Girls in Hollywood

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Snobby Little Rich Girls in Hollywood

Why is it that every girl between 17 and 24 in Hollywood has to go and get some money and then take it and buy drugs and alcohol and wreck their cars and just look stupid? What happened to nice girls that are lucky and successful (like Jessica Alba) and don't get into all those things? I'm guessing those bad girls all grew up a certain way. Then every time they get into trouble doing something, they blame it on the way they were raised or just on one parent or the other. All a bunch of crap. And ALL girls between those ages are on drugs or drink alot. The ones who still look perfectly clean just haven't been caught yet and/or haven't been in rehab yet.
I mean how about this Lindsay Lohan? She checks herself into AA and then claims that she doesn't drink. She's like "why would I? I'm not old enough". Such a little whiny snotty undisciplined little bitch. I'd still bone her though. Fo shizzle...


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