Sunday, April 30, 2006
It's pretty sad that my girlfriend's son's father changed his phone number and then put it in his wife's name so that he could avoide being contacted by his son. People like him make me sick. Again...his name is Stephen or Steven Shipman of Denver, CO. His wife's name is Tami, Tammy, or Tammi. They have 4 or 5 other kids. Steven owns his son 6 years of back child support.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Logitech Wireless Headset for XBOX
The XBOX 360 is far better because with the wireless controller, you simply plug the headset into it and walla you have a wireless headset (sort of). Much better than having to hook a wired controller to be able to use a headsex on the XBOX. Then came along a wireless headset from Nyko that sucked alot of ass. I tried it. You can read my review that I posted last year. The reason I'm posting THIS message is that I went back and read what I said about how I was going to post a review about the Logitech wireless headset as soon as I got it and, well, I forgot to post my review. So here it is:
It's ok.
What..? You want more information? Well ok.
The sound is great, people can hear you just fine. The only bad thing about it (and it's a very bad thing) is that the headset constantly transmits a little background noise that everyone in the game can hear but you. They say it sounds like a water drop or a small amount of background static. It happens like clockwork every few seconds while you aren't talking. You can even have your mic completely muted and yet they can still here the noise. That's no good. I'm going to sell mine on ebay along with my wireless logitech controller. Personally, since I got my 360 a couple weeks ago, I haven't played the regular XBOX at all. I just hope that ALL single player games are able to be played on the 360 eventually. For example, 50 Cent: Bulletproof is a game I enjoy but cannot play on the 360. Don't get me wrong, I still have the XBOX hooked up. I have way to many games just to put them in the closet and forget about them. Some are alot of fun like Unreal Tournament and Midnight Club 3 etc etc. You can play Halo 2 on the XBOX 360 they say, but can you connect to the same servers that people play on the XBOX? I haven't tested it out yet. Besides, I have a mouse/keyboard adapter that I use to play Halo 2 and there is no such device that works on the 360 (yet).
It's ok.
What..? You want more information? Well ok.
The sound is great, people can hear you just fine. The only bad thing about it (and it's a very bad thing) is that the headset constantly transmits a little background noise that everyone in the game can hear but you. They say it sounds like a water drop or a small amount of background static. It happens like clockwork every few seconds while you aren't talking. You can even have your mic completely muted and yet they can still here the noise. That's no good. I'm going to sell mine on ebay along with my wireless logitech controller. Personally, since I got my 360 a couple weeks ago, I haven't played the regular XBOX at all. I just hope that ALL single player games are able to be played on the 360 eventually. For example, 50 Cent: Bulletproof is a game I enjoy but cannot play on the 360. Don't get me wrong, I still have the XBOX hooked up. I have way to many games just to put them in the closet and forget about them. Some are alot of fun like Unreal Tournament and Midnight Club 3 etc etc. You can play Halo 2 on the XBOX 360 they say, but can you connect to the same servers that people play on the XBOX? I haven't tested it out yet. Besides, I have a mouse/keyboard adapter that I use to play Halo 2 and there is no such device that works on the 360 (yet).
Saturday, April 15, 2006
XBOX 360
W3rd...I finally went out and bought my XBOX 360. I've had the money saved up for it for a long time, so don't start giving me hell about buying it when I have a baby coming next month. But thanks for reading my previous post anyway. I bought Burnout: Revenge which I've also played on the regular XBOX. The XBOX 360 version is, obviously, an incredible game. As far as gameplay, it's pretty much the same as the XBOX version, but playing it in HD is incredible. I don't own an HD TV so I have the 360 hooked up via HD VGA cable to a 19" computer monitor which is capable of quite high resolution. It's just amazing how good the graphics levels are. I, as a long time PC gamer, was quite skeptical of the graphics power that the 360 would be capable of. I said, as many others did, that a console would never compare to a PC. However, having played Call of Duty 2 on the PC and on the 360, the 360 can definitely hold it's own. While the PC could no doubt out perform the 360 with the right video card (say, dual 7900 GTXs), processor, monitor, memory, hard drive and all that jazz, you'd have to pay 3 grand to get the same performance that you can get out of an XBOX 360 for 3 hundred. I can't wait to see how good Battlefield 2 is going to look on the 360. The games on the 360 are just amazing looking. I can't get over it. Just fantastic. I'm very happy with the 360.
Baby Just Around the Corner!
Due May 17th (or soon thereafter), I'll be having a baby girl named Lindrielle. It wasn't all that long ago that we found out that Juanita was pregnant. She has a history of irregular cycles so it was nothing odd that it went unnoticed. Already, next month, the baby will be here. Alot of people have been very helpful in proving many of the things we are going to need. We have a nice stroller, car seat, carrier, clothes, and many other things. We are going to have an in-home birth. We are going to have a large tub in the house for a water birthing. I'll be catching the baby myself. Exciting eh? Don't know of anyone who's actually caught their own kid being born. Well it'll be something I'll always remember I'm sure. Looking forward to it but I wish I could just go to sleep and wake up when the baby is here because there is alot of stress and worry involved in these last few weeks of anticipation.
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