What I Thought While on the Pot: May 2006

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My Thoughts of Brad and Angelina's Baby

I don't give a


I actually saw a thing on TV ealier this evening with a dude saying "everyone wants to see Brad and Angelina's baby!" I'm like WTF? I have a 2 week baby girl at home right now. I for damn sure would rather look at my baby girl than look at the baby of some couple that makes a living playing make pretend and gets paid stupid amounts of money to do so but are heralded by the people of the world as gods of sort.

What do you think? You think that if I had a picture of their baby and I put it on my computer desktop, replacing the picture of my own baby, that my girlfriend would be pissed?

Monday, May 29, 2006

Game Review: Table Tennis for the XBOX 360

Cool game. It's an attempt to create a game based on the professional style table tennis game. My girlfriend doesn't like it because she likes to gently hit the ball back and forth for enjoyment. She doesn't like slamming or "spiking" the ball to score points or trying to put spin on the ball. Well anyway I enjoy the game alot. It's got to be one of the most intense 1 on 1 competitive games when you play online via XBOX Live. It's more like chess than table tennis when you are playing some really good players out there. You have characters you can choose from with a variety of skill ratings for power, spin, accuracy and speed. You unlock different characters and clothes for characters by performing tasks in the game such as winning tournaments. I prefer to use Jesper, a swedish fellow. His power rating is the highest of all players that you choose from at the start of the game. You can often get a suddenly powerful shot past unsuspecting players online.
The different buttons on the controller perform different functions such as a soft drop shot, putting spin on the ball in different directions, increasing your power via what is called a "focus" shot. The focus bar gets depleted as you use it and increases as you make good shots. When someone tries to return a shot but hits it poorly, they perform a "block" shot where the ball is hit back to you, but bounces rather high on the table. This presents the ability to perform a "slam" on the ball and smack it hard past the other player. However, slam shots are not too hard to return as long as you are in front of the shot when it comes back to you. Performing a "focus" shot when someone slams to you makes it easier to return it without presenting them another attempt at a slam shot. Generally, you want to slam the ball to a part of the table that the other player is not guarding. Better players will leave a spot open until the last second, knowing that you are aiming to that spot, then they will jump over there and return the ball. Of course, all players have their patterns. For example, when you know how someone typically tries to return a slam ball, watch for the opening and slam it to where they least expect you to. This goes back and forth. You learn their patters and they change them. They learn your patterns and you change them. The person who has the less predictable of patters will usually win. Then again, some people just suck.

Don't Drink Coke and Eat Mentos!!

There's been a video going around on the internet about mixing mentos with coke and watching it explode. Even better some guys put a whole roll of mentos in a 2 liter coke, tighten the cap, then slam it onto the ground and it goes flying a hundred feet into the air. When I saw this video I waved the traditional BS flag and thought nothing more of it though the video was entertaining.

Then, one day I was at a convenience store and decided hmmm....I'd like some mentos and you know what? I'm pretty thirsty too so I think I'll get a coke. Then I remembered the video going around the internet and decided that I had better just make sure I'm not going to explode if I eat these mentos and drink this coke. So, I found a safe spot and I dropped a mentos into my 20oz bottle of coke watched as the mentos began sinking to the bottom of the bottle. Nothing, I thought.

Then suddenly...ignition....

The soda began to fizzle only slightly at first but steadily picked up intensity. I quickly realized the impending outpouring of soda all of my hands so I set the bottle down as the bubbles continued to grow. Soon after setting the bottle down, the fountain of soda began. The coke shot a good foot and a half into the air from just this simple reaction. Quite explosive indeed.

So, make sure you never eat mentos and drink coke....cuz you'll explode and it'll be messy.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Grandpa Harold has Left Us

Last Sunday, the 14th of May, my grandpa Harold, or "step Grandpa" (he married my grandmother in 1982 or somewhere around there) passed away after a long struggle with cancer. He is a World War II veteran and fought in the 75th Infantry Division which joined the war on D+190. He earned the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and the Combat Infantryman's Badge during his time in Europe. He was the only person I really ever talked to that fought in WW II. I was very young when my biological grandfather died so Harold was really the only grandpa I ever really knew. He and my Grandmother traveled to Europe several times and visited me and my family while my dad was stationed in Italy and Germany. Everyone in my family really loved him and he will be sorely missed. My grandmother is a terrible wreck after this great loss. Everyone is with her supporting her through these rough times. I can only pray that she comes through in the end and is able to gather her life back together and continue on strong as she has always been. For a link to his memorial, click Here.

Baby Update!!

I changed my first diaper yesterday. It was a poopie diaper and smelled quite badly but I struggled through and got it done. I cleaned up the baby and got the new diaper on. Took me altogether about 1 minute. Before long I will become a pro at this. I'll keep you informed of my progress.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

1000th Hit! Yay Me!

I do realize that the hit counter goes up every time I go to my page and make a post and all that but still..it means SOME people have read it.. :)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Governor Owens Wrong Again

How the hell did this guy ever get elected? I can't believe so many people voted for him. Whatever...check this out:
Governor Bill Owens is actually quoted as saying "Outsourcing is great for the people of Colorado because the people of Colorado deserve to pay the cheapest price for a product available whether it's made here or in Kansas or Ohio".
Just how out of touch can a politician be? How can someone in any sort of power such as his possibly miss the point by that far? I'm sure for you readers out there I don't have to go into detail about how paying cheaper prices for something isn't the point. The point is that when a company it outsourced, the area where the company was operating causes job losses for the community. Some companies are small while others are large and cause thousands of job losses just for sake of saving a few bucks somewhere else.
You see, Bill, when someone doesn't have a fucking job because their company decided to move somewhere else for cheaper operating costs or to cut back on state taxes or to go somewhere else where the state imposes less restrictions on their operating structure, it doesn't matter if a product is cheaper now because that someone can't afford to buy it because they aren't making any money now. Get it?
Since you like outsourcing so much and you seem to like Kansas so much, how about we let Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas govern Colorado for you?

Purevision Contact Lenses

I said I was going to make a post about Purevision Contacts once I tried them out. Well in short, they are FAR better than Focus Night and Day lenses. At least, they are for me. As I said before, the Focus Night and Days bothered me greatly. I could feel the sharp edges all day and night and through the next day before I had to take them out for relief. It's stated that you are supposed to be able to wear the lenses for 30 days and nights before taking them out and replacing them. That proved to be rubbish for me. After trying the Purevision, while not perfect, they were leaps and bounds better. They stayed clear and focused the entire time I wore them. They did not irritate my eyes near as much as the Focus lenses did. By the end of the night I did have to take them out and clean them off and put them back in before going to bed though. I could feel the edges of the lenses by then. By the third day of wearing them, I noticed they got more comfortable to me. I didn't feel the need to take them out and clean them at the end of the day. By the 5th day, I was pretty irritated with them most of the day. I kept moving them around on my eye trying to get them comfortable again. Eye drops seemed to have little effect. Again I took them out, cleaned them and they were good to go for another day.
They are good lenses, however they are definitely NOT more comfortable than Acuvue lenses. I'm wearing Acuvue 2 lenses and I've also worn Acuvue 2 Hydraclear lenses and a friend of mind says that the Acuvue 2 Oasys lenses are great too. I've been wearing these lenses currently in my eye since yesterday afternoon and I haven't needed eye drops or anything. I haven't had to adjust them or anything. The edges of the Acuvue lense are rounded and very soft. They are great lenses. Even though I can't wear the Acuvue lenses for 30 days nonstop, the Purevision and Night and Day lenses are simply not comfortable enough to me to wear them for 30 days and nights anyway. I'd rather have a lense I can wear comfortably for a couple of days with the option of sleeping in them than have a lens in my eye for 30 days that drives me nuts the entire time. I have no real NEED to have the ability to sleep in my lenses. It's convenient like if I sleep over at someone's house or want to take a nap or whatever, but it's not necessary for me. I don't mind putting in and taking out my lenses. I ALWAYS take out my lenses when I take a shower simply because the hard water seems to irritate my eyes when I'm wearing contacts. I feel like they are going to pop out. Taking a shower while wearing the lenses is simply not practical for me unless I keep my eyes shut the whole time I'm in there. So after shopping around and trying 6 or 7 different types of lenses, I truly prefer Acuvue 2 lenses. I think that the Hydraclear are the best I have tried. And at 17 dollars per box compared to 50 dollars per box for the Purvevision lenses, the price really can't be beat. 50 dollars per box is the best internet price I've found. If you were to purchase them from an eye doctor, expect to pay anywhere from 75 to 90 dollars per box. Acuvue is definitely the way to go for new and regular contact lens wearers.

Quannel X

For those of you don't know (and I didn't until recently), Quannel X is a black activist and a "civil rights" leader. Even though we have come a long way since the days of legal slavery and oppression to where we are on the legal stance of racism and bigotry against blacks in the United States, people like Quannel X continue to belittle the struggles and strives that their people went through, endured and overcame that allowed the stance we have in America today. While Quannel enjoys all the freedoms he can ever imagine while his ancestors were punished for speaking their mind and were possibly slaves hundreds of years ago, he and people like him are still not happy. People like him simply are never happy unless they have something to be angry about. Again, they aren't happy unless they're angry. They see racism in everything. They think that all white people are either openly or secretivly members of a pro-white consipiracy to keep the black man down.
Now then, here's what Quannel fails to ever talk about:
There were blacks during the times of slavery that were freed and started their own plantations and had their own slaves. That's correct. There were black people born in America who had blacks born in Africa as slaves. Shocking right? Well not to Quannel who refuses to discuss such things.
Another fact: Not only black people were slaves. There were white people who were slaves working on the plantations right along side mexicans, asians, and Africans.
Another fact: We no longer have slavery in the United States but slavery throughout Africa and many other underground goings on in other countries continues to thrive and yet Quannel X continues to point fingers at the "white devils" in the United States. He simply can't get over the fact that there were black people who were slaves in history. Many of these "slaves" were not mistreated. Yes, many were and were raped and terrible things happened to them just the same as terrible things happened to many people and continue to happen to many people of all races. They were not unique. Because it happened to black people and Quannel himself is black, he persistently focuses his attention and anger on the most tragic events in black American history. He gives no credit to the struggles that his people went through. He says that there is no difference between now and 400 years ago. Get this: He actually has a group of equally ignorant followers who have been brainwashed to believe what he falsely believes.
Yes there is bigotry and racism in America just like there is everywhere else in the world. Yes it will never go away.
No, Quannel X is not correct in his feelings that all races except black should be wiped off the planet. I guarantee you that there is far more black on black crime in the world than there is white on black crime in the world.
Quannel X: Wise up sir. Pull your head out of your ass. You're no Malcolm X.

War Crimes

There have been more recent stories on the news about soldiers committing crimes in Iraq. They had several non combatants that were shot and killed in one case. In another, soldiers went looking for a guy, didn't find him, but found another guy and randomly chose him to be shot and killed. Several soldiers confessed to these things happening and are now being punished. Alot of people simply can't understand how something like that might happen. So let me explain.
Quite simply put, the guys they put in charge for some of these missions are no older than 25 years old and sometimes even younger. You are putting the lives of the squad in the hands of a kid with very little experience. Even those with alot of experience are still very young kids given alot of responsibility. Yes, these are trained soldiers. It's not like you're taking a high school kid, giving him a gun, and telling him to go shoot people. However, they are still young. Then you send them over into a hostile environment where they constantly have to worry about being blown up or shot by any given person in the areas they have to go through. They are always on edge and it's hot as hell over there and it's just the worst imaginable environment.
Another contributing factor to the problems is the color and language barrier. People are much less likely to be indifferent about killing someone who speaks their language and who looks like them. It's a simple psychological factor. When the soldier is put in extreme situations and the people they are going up against are of a completely different culture, ethnicitiy and speak a different language, it dehumanizes them and makes them much easier on the conscience to kill. Again, another simple psychological factor.
Now, we've all seen the tragedies of the Iraq war and we've seen a few good things too. Imagine those horrible bombings and random killings of people going on...now imagine it going on in your own neighborhood. Imagine going to Wal-Mart and having to worry about being blown up all the time. That's an every day occurence for people who live in the war zone. America, you have it easy. While we sit here and people want to bitch and maon about their petty problems that have no real substance to them at all, someone in Iraq just lost their entire family to a suicide bomber or a crazed team of soldiers looking for revenge because one of their buddies was just killed by an IED. Next time you want to criticize soldiers for what they do, consider what you might do given the situations you don't even begin to understand. Neither do I, mind you. My understanding of how it really is to be in the war situations is beyond me. I've spoken to many soldiers about it and many of them don't even want to talk about it. They say they've seen things they never dreamed they would ever see. The "perfect soldier" is one that does what he is told and has no emotional connection to his actions. Guess what. The "pefect soldier" doesn't exist because to have no emotion is to be not human.

Movie Review : X-men 3 Last Stand


Last Stand? Based on the end of the movie, I highly doubt it. Also based on what happened in the comic books, I highly doubt it. Watching this movie and the last one, I wondered if the guys who wrote the movie and came up with some ideas for the movies actually ever READ the comic books. It appears that the writers spent considerable time reading the Wolverine comics and graphic novels because they really get into his past in the second movie and go on about his mysterious past and so forth.

Let's start with Jean Grey.
In the comic, she was in space trying to pilot a ship and went through a star burst or something and the ship crashed and everyone thought she was dead. Then, this character, Phoenix appeared with all this power and everyone thought the Phoenix was Jean Grey reincarnated but it wasn't. It was actually an alien force. The Phoenix then posesses Madelyne Prior who is the clone of Jean Grey and Cyclops falls in love with her and they have a child. Then there are some alternate universes and alternate futures where their child comes from the future and blah blah blah. The Beast creates something that supresses the power of the Phoenix. Wolverine stabs her...blah blah blah. The Phoenix then goes back to Jean Grey who has been hybernating all this time in a cocoon and she accepts the Phoenix force and is resurrected and her and Scott get back together and the resurrected Prior kills herself and uhhh...well basically blah blah blah. Jean is eventually separated from the Phoenix and the Phoenix is destroyed by some aliens and Jean is happy go lucky again. Yay.
As you can see, this is a very complicated storyline. The reason for this is that about a dozen different writers had their opinions of which direction the story should go. Most of them were wrong and they sucked and should be kicked in the balls. Inferno was one of the best story lines ever in X-Men IMO. Very complicated and hard to keep up with at times. Good cross overs and so forth though.

In the MOVIE with Jean Grey, she is thought to be killed by a bunch of water when she is trying to save everyone on the plane. She eventually gives up and basically kills herself by giving up. Of course we come to find out that she didn't die, but that her unconscience, much more powerful, mind protected her and kept her safe and kept calling for Scott. When he shows up, Jean, in the form of the Phoenix, comes out of the water and tells him to take his glasses off. He does and she controls his power. They kiss and make out and then suddenly they show Xavier having some problems and he tells the X-men "Get to Alkali Lake". They go there and everything is floating around. Wolverine finds Scott's glasses floating there. It's never said, but it's assumed that she killed Scott. Ok you're going to kill Cyclops in the first 5 minutes of the movie. Fine. He's one of my favorite X-Men characters ever and now he's just dead. Ok you see the problem is that in the Dark Phoenix Saga, she never kills Scott. She kills alot of people and even destroys an entire planet before killing herself (not permenantly of course) to stop herself from killing anymore. Blah blah blah. Then, they never even mention Scott for the rest of the movie.
They take Jean back to the Mansion where she breaks out and goes back to her home where she grew up. At the Mansion, Xavier explains that the Phoenix is a subconscience entity that he himself created by supressing Jean's powers by putting locks on her mind to prevent the darker more powerful side of her to be allowed into her conscience mind. Ok so in the comic it's an alien entity. In the movie it's just supressed power and rage. Whatever...you guys are stupid. Then, when Xavier and Magneto show up at her house, JEAN KILLS XAVIER by ripping him apart at the molecular level. He pretty much just disintigrates and there's nothing he can do about it. He looks over at Wolverine who is floating nearby and smiles just before he explodes. Strange eh....
Let's recap. You've killed Cyclops and Xavier and only about 25 minutes have gone by so far.
Then, there is this mutant who's power is that he can nullify other mutant's powers when they are near him. In one scene in particular, Juggernaut runs toward the boy with the power and the Juggernaut's powers are nullified. The problem with this is that the Juggernaut isn't a mutant but rather his powers were given to him by a mysterious gem AND the Juggernaut is Xavier's step brother.

Basically, if you have followed the X-men comic books, you will find alot of inconsistencies in this movie and you might find yourself upset and pissed off that the writers of the movie apparently have never read the comic books. It appears once again that they really read through alot of Wolverine books but just skimmed through some of the stuff in the X-Men books.

Seriously, they are just NOW having Angel show up. We all know that Angel was one of the original X-Men. He barely has a part in this 3rd movie finally.

I full well understand that in the making of a movie adaption from a comic book, you are going to have to make some fundamental changes in the story line and and make some minor detail changes, but this movie was just a complete rewrite and they made HUGE changes such as the death of Scott and Professor X. You got Patrick Steward to play Professor X then you're just going to kill him off? Who's idea was THAT? I mean damn. After watching this movie I was hoping I would wake up and be ready to watch the REAL X-Men Last Stand movie.

A couple other notes of interest:
The "cure" that some of the mutants in the movie got is not permenant which is evident by the end scene of Magneto starting to be able to use his powers again while he's playing chess by himself. Or is he playing by himself? That's another point.
Remember the scene where Moira is there with a man who is a patient of hers who has no mind at all and the lesson in the class talks about the possibility of moving the mind energy of one person to another person. Well, if you stick around after the final credits there is a scene where that man with no mind suddenly wakes up and looks at Moira and says in Professor X's voice "Hello Moira". DUN DUN DUNNN!!!

On another note, neither Cyclops or Jean is dead either. I expect to see Mr. Sinister in the 4th movie FYI...

I highly recommend that everyone go watch this movie and then you too can get pissed off about the inacurracies or you can just not give a shit because you're not a comic book geek. Have fun!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Some Fools Sueing Ludacris

Some fools who wrote some shitty song back in 2001 with the words "like that" in it are sueing Ludacris for also using the words "Like that" in his song. HAHA. What a bunch of a crap. The problem is that the no talent ass clowns who put out a song back in 2001 got very little radio play on college radio before fizzling out without being heard from again. Ludacris' song became a huge hit. Now the other guys are pissed off because Ludacris used the words "like that" and got rich and it didn't work out for them. Maybe try a new career, you morons. Everyone thinks they can be a rapper these days. Guess what...you suck...get over it. Go back to your custodial engineering position.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New Baby Pictures!!

I added new baby pictures today.

Some people told me they could only see one picture on the page...SCROLL DOWN!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

It's a GIRL!!!

The day has come everyone! My baby girl was born today at 1:37pm weighing in at 6 pounds, 11 ounces. I've never been so happy in all my life! I don't know what else to say! If you click on this Link to Baby Pictures you can see pictures of my little girl!!

Here's a small one!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!!

Just wanted to say a Happy Mother's day to all the mothers out there. To the mother of my first child (deceased) John Ethan, Happy Mother's day to Jenni. Happy mother's day to the mother of the most important person I know, my Mom! Happy mother's day to my girlfriend and VERY soon to be mother of my second child Lindrielle, Juanita! I love you! I hope everything goes well with this home birth! I'm getting anxious about it because she's been having contractions thoughout the last few days though she hasn't lost the mucus plug or had any other indications that a birth is imminent. I'm sure everything will go ok but I still can't help but have worries about a reoccurence of what happened before with John Ethan. He just died during labor with no real cause ever found out. He had a strong heartbeat one day and the next day he was gone. I'm so looking forward to this birth! It's a very exciting time for me!

Survivor Finale Tonight!!

Some folks that I work with started a pool at the beginning of this season of Survivor. Personally, I haven't watched the show since the first season. I enjoyed it, but I didn't really feel like getting to know the new Survivor contestants each season so I just didn't watch. However, this season we started a pool and everyone put in 20 bux and had to pick one of the people on the show. I picked Danielle and she's in the final 4 baby!! Yeah!! I really hope she wins that fire challenge with Cirie. However, from what I've seen in the preview commercials, her chances are not looking too good. Cirie has a much larger fire in the commercials. So anyway uhhh....The only only person that still has a chance to win the money (which is about 140 bux) is Amanda who picked Terry to begin with. Obviously, she picked a good contestant. Nobody really hates Terry so if Danielle and Terry went to the final four, I have no doubt that Terry would win the money. Danielle hasn't won anything yet and doesn't have much of a chance of being in charge at any time in tonight's Finale so my chances are not looking good unless Terry somehow gets voted off or loses the challenges and whatever. Nobody wants to go to the final 2 with Cirie because she would probably beat out everyone else because she was such an underdog and she's still in it and doesn't really have anyone who dislikes her except maybe Shane. So I really hope that Danielle wins the fire challenge at least. I'm sure that Terry would much rather go to the final 2 with Danielle than with Aras. Aras has been true throughout the game and just had a few disagreements with some folks on the show.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Focus Night & Day not Good for Me

I tried to get through my second day with these lenses. I tell you what. I've worn Acuvue 2s and Focus Monthly lenses for 2 or 3 days without taking them out with no problems. By the third day, they start bothering me and I take them out and clean them for awhile and I put them back in. With these Focus Night & Day lense, which are MADE to be worn for 30 DAYS did not last 2 days on my eyes without hurting just too much to keep them in any longer. My eyes were red, I had terrible eye fatigue and all that. I'm going to try to Purevision lenses next week. Hopefully they are better.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

New Contacts - Focus Night and Day

So I got my Focus Night and Day contacts from my eye doctor. He said to wear them for a week and see how they do. If they aren't any good, then I can try Purevision contacts which are also made for 30 day continuous wear. I'm like koo. I've been wearing Focus Monthly lenses, which you take out every night to clean, for like 6 months and they are the best lenses I've ever tried. I figured Focus Night and Day would be the way to go. Only problem is that they are made to wear for 30 days straight and I've been wearing them for like 3 hours and they are bothering the hell out of me. They hurt after like an hour and a half of wear. Then they go awhile and don't hurt. Then they are back to hurting. I'm like WTF yo. 30 days and I can't wear them for 30 minutes? That can't be right. They are FOCUS just like the ones I like so I dunno what the problem is. I'm going to try to keep them in all day and sleep in them tonight, but if they hurt too bad I'm going to have to try the Purevision next week. I'll let you know how it goes.

NSA Phone Call Database

So on the news, they say that the NSA is keeping phone logs of millions of Americans that aren't even suspect of committing any sort of crime. However; if, by monitoring these calls, there is any suspicious activity found in these logs, people will be subject to full scale criminal investigations. People, of course, are throwing a shitfit about it. You guys think THIS is bad, wait till the future when they start sending people to jail just for THINKING about committing a crime.

"Oh you didn't do anything but you thought about it!! GUILTY AS CHARGED!!"

Seriously, I saw a movie about it. Or maybe it was on an episode of Star Trek. I dunno...anyway watch yourself. No wait I think it was in a video game. Like on Half Life or something. Yeah maybe that was it. Be careful everyone.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I Wonder What it's Like to Die

I wonder what it's like to die. Don't get me wrong. I'm in no hurry to find out. I wonder if all these religious types are right. Maybe if we live a life of purity we are whisked away to a beautiful place. Some people believe that when judgement day comes and we have been forgiven for all our mistakes and shortcomings, that we will be allowed into the kingdom of heaven. I have issue with that because I wonder where everyone goes before judgment day. Is everyone just hanging out in limbo for years upon years waiting for their day of judgment to determine if they are going to heaven or hell? Some say your soul rests in bliss until judgement comes. When I'm asleep, It's not really bliss. I don't know what it is because I'm asleep. Maybe it's like a coma or something.
So, let's say that all who have died before judgement day are suddenly waken and put before God or Jesus for judgement. Then, if they are accepted to heaven, what's that like? What is your existence in heaven like? Is it all that great? I understand that if you go to hell you are supposed to be burned in the flamed for all of eternity and you are going to be tortured and so forth. However, in heaven are you rewarded with everything you ever wanted or do you simply avoid the flames and torture but at the same time are doomed to an existence of bordom? According to some stories Satan didn't really do much to get thrown out of heaven. God made Lucifer a perfect being with free will. Perfect beauty, wisdom and all. This wisdom was a direct reflection of the wisdom of God himself. With this wisdom, Lucifer made a choice in free will to oppose God's will. For this, Lucifer and all those who were behind him were cast from Heaven. So...why would man want to go to Heaven? Certainly we would not gain all wisdom or any sort of power in the hierarchial structure of heaven. We would simply BE with no rhyme or reason. And the second we chose to use any of our free will to do anything that God disliked, we would be cast from that place. Here on Earth, everyone sins regularly and we are, some say, punished for those sins by things like illness, bad fortune, terrible tragedies that happen to us. Others claim that any time something bad happens, it's not god, but Satan who is inflicting these things on us. I would challenge that point of view because Satan's whole reason for his actions was that he disliked the way God was treating all other beings and chose to rule his own kingdom as one which opposed the "do good or you will be punished" sort of thing. Satan would actually reward behavior that would be considered by God to be a sin. I say it would then, by this reasoning, be God himself who is the punisher of bad actions and choices if this does indeed happen.
Another point that should be brought up is that it is said that Satan and his angels were cast from heaven. It doesn't say they were cast into any sort of firey pit of damnation. I would suggest that this place they went when cast from hell was indeed the realm of existence that we humans currently take dwelling. This existence and the way people go through it, is filled with ours and everyone else's free will choices that we make every day. For example, someone else's free will may be imposed on others forcing them to make choices that may cause their free will to be imposed on others and so forth and so on. It's never ending. In all this, we humans can make choices to make MORE humans from our own images, or rather a combination or our image and another. More often than not, people of a race choose to mate with people of the same race. In my case, I'm white and my girlfriend who is currently 9 months pregnant is of Native American and Mexican descent. Our child will not look like either of us, but rather a combination. Why then would God allow sinful humans to commit another act of sin to produce another human and bring them and introduce them into a place below the greatness of Heaven and is full of sin? Makes not much sense to me. Perhaps when I die, these things will all be explained to me. Perhaps not. If God punishes us and condemns us from birth to a life of hellish existence, why then do so many people put their faith into God with the hope that they will be accepted into the very kingdom of Heaven that Lucifer was banished from. My idea from this is that man it put on earth and put through the tests of life to determine if he or she is worthy of acceptance into heaven. Is it so then that Lucifer himself could some day gain acceptance into Heaven once more? I think not.
Man is so vain himself to suggest that he himself could be more of a perfect being than Lucifer, who was created by god as a perfect being, could be. In this, man would suggest that he himself could live through his entire life and be proven to God to be more perfect than a being that God himself could ever create, but was instead created by the man's mother and father in an act of sin. How much of an obomination is THIS?! For this very reasoning, man himself through his quest to prove himself a perfect being should be punished by God himself for suggesting to God that God is imperfect himself!!
Based on this theology, the man who accepts that he is inferior and who accepts his sins and shortcomings and all mistakes and bad things that he commits, should be rewarded for proving his knowledge that he knows that he can never prove himself to be more perfect than God himself or anything God could ever create in his image of perfection. For these actions, Satan would choose to reward because God does not, or so is the belief. Man would be more righteous then to put his faith in the acceptance of Lucifer himself as the offspring of God having improved wisdom and superior knowledge of how man should be treated in his existence. If heaven is nothing more than trying to prove perfection, then heaven should not be a place to be taken to when rewarded. The only place to be sent to when rewarded of the known realms of existence, is back to earth where man is free to impose his free will, once again, on others.

Friday, May 05, 2006

My Latest Invention

This will be in nearly everyone's home in the future. Instead of using the traditional metal blades found on every day razor blades for shaving, my invention is the "Laser Blade", or "Lazer Blade or "Lazor Blade" or any other spelling thereof. Basically, two small crystals control a current provided from a plug in or battery some other power source and produces a small, very thin laser that is run across the face or other part of the body you wish to remove hair from and it effectively removes all the hair by burning it off with the laser. Because the hair is removed by the laser heat, the hair is cut much shorter than is possible by traditional metal blades. I've submitted this idea to the Gilette Company under it's "outside inventions and ideas" sub-division.
