What I Thought While on the Pot: July 2007

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

LAN Party Over the Weekend

The Academy Gamers, at http://www.academygamers.com held a 2 day LAN party in conjunction with Friday Night Frag Fest at http://fnff.net. It was quite fun. I got there at around 7 which was just around the time people were getting there and things were put together. I would have gotten there sooner, but I had some other things that I was obligated to take care of before I left the house.
On Thursday, the day before the LAN stared, I pulled my hamstring playing softball. Not too bad. Just a little sore. It's fine now. Thanks for all the concern. A while later, I sprained my right index finger. Hard to game like that when you're hesitant to use your finger when you need to.
Anyway back to the LAN Party. It was fun. I slept on a bench with a cushion and my big fluffy pillow. I actually slept pretty good for about 5 hours. I was there until about 10:30 Saturday.
This guy named Chibers pretty much cleaned up on the 1v1 tourneys for UT2k4 and Quake 4. I didn't even know there was a Quake 4 tourney. I guess I was out for dinner or something. I'm not any good at it anyway so it wouldnn't have made a difference. Really UT2k4 seems to be one of the more competitive games out of the bunch. I don't play it ever except at the LANs, but I usually do OK. Chibers and his team also cleaned up the CS:Source tournament in conjunction with a Wii Play finale. My team along with Blinkeffect and some other guys won the team event Call of Duty 2. I won a sweet Steel S&S mouse pad. I also got a t-shirt from a random door prize drawing. Bow to me. Some guys showed up just to play BF2 and, low and behold, they won the BF2 tournament. Blinkeffect won the Wii bowling tourney and got a new case. Gratz.
