So this Imus guy called a buncha women basketball players "nappy headed hoes" and he says it was meant to be funny. I'm sure it was to some good ol' boys or somethin' like that. It's not that funny to me. I guess I just don't get it. There really is no place in the media today for any sort of racial comments like that. Back in the old days, anyone who wasn't white, especially African Americans were treated very poorly. They were always second class citizens and didn't have the same rights that white people had. They were given alot of freedom though and with that freedom they protested that they had some freedom but it wasn't enough. They wanted more. Little by little things began to change and we are where we are today. Now, any time anyone says anything that might be considered to be even slightly racist has to appear on Sharpton's radio program to answer for his or her comments. Like Al Sharpton is who people have to answer to for their sins. Don't worry, Al. God has it covered.
Plus, people say something that they feel or something that they think isn't a big deal, then someone else says they are offended by it, and all of a sudden the originator feels necessary to start making apologies. You don't have to change your story, bud. That's how you feel and you're an idiot for feeling that way. But don't feel that you need to change the type of person you are just to try to make someone else like you or feel better. Oh but wait a minute. Now your job is in danger. Yeah you better run around everywhere you can and try to apologize.
My problem is that I've been accused of saying things or doing things that I never did. I actually had someone tell me that this chick told them that I told her some racists comments. I never even spoke to that chick and here I am put on a spot to answer for shit that never happened. Yeah that's fair. We're at a place now that you have to answer to people for every little thing. Splitting hairs and nit picking. Freedome of speech? What's that? You can't say shit these days without paying for it on the back end. So just stay in your house and never speak to anyone about anything.