What I Thought While on the Pot: April 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007

Don't like Getting up Early...

So I work from 2:45pm to 11:15 pm. Takes about another 30 minutes to get home from then. Then I usually eat something small and maybe play some games for a little bit. I'm usually in bed by 1:30 or 2. Then I have to get up at 6am every morning to take care of my baby daughter (nearly 1 year old now) so that my girlfriend can take her son to school which is like 15 miles away. Oh yeah there are plenty of schools that are nearby that he could be to in like 3 minutes, but she wanted him to grow up and go to the same schools that she did. Well that didn't work out because he got kicked out of the elementary school (he's only 6). Then at his new school for troubled kids, they started letting him out of school at 1 instead of 3 for discipline problems. Then they started letting him out at 11am for discipline problems. Seems like they are teaching him that if he acts up in school, he gets to go home. What a good lesson to teach him young. In the meantime, I get 4 hours of sleep every night if I'm lucky and I have no immune system left to speak of and I feel like crap all the time because of it. School is going to end soon and next year, he's going all day. That's all there is to it. Otherwise, we're moving him to a closer school so his mom isn't gone all day. She leaves at 6:30 in the morning and doesn't come back until 11:30. It's soooo far away that she just stays down there until he gets out of school. How about that. Then she gets home MAYBE at 11:30 if she doesn't have anything else to do and I might get an hour to do what I want to get done in the day before I have to start getting ready for work. And then do it all over again.
There are 2 solutions to this. Get the boy into a closer school.
Get my co-worker to get his security clearance finalized so I can move to day staff where I'm supposed to be. That's working from 6 am until 2pm. Much better hours. Plus, I can be in bed by 8 every night. Sweet...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Call of Duty 3 Rankings

Well I finally started playing ranked games in Call of Duty 3. I typically win or come in near first place in unranked games that I play. I enjoy Battle games because it's free for all and whomever gets the number of goal kills the first wins. I enjoy games that have a 100 kill limit. Tons of fun. I also enjoy team battle because you can use tanks on some maps. Nothing like clearing out an entire building of camping Nazis with a well placed exploding round or mowing down a row of advancing troups with the .50 cal. Good times are had by all. So long as you aren't on the other team. I've had rounds of 50 kills and 1 death when rolling around in a tank. Why nobody on the other team was using anti tank weapons is unknown to me, but well appreciated. In the rankings system, you start out as a 0 and the top level is a 50. After about 10 ranked games, I'm a level 24 right now. Well I might be a 23...I seem to be fluctuating between those two ranks after my last few matches. During the week, there didn't seem to be that many great players. On the weekend, however, alot of good players came out for some gaming. I got my ass handed to me a few times while I thoroughly dominated other matches. I'm still trying to figure out which weapons are best for different situations. I usually have a good time playing. While other times I find myself in need of muting my mic due to overuse of filthy language. Come join me on Xbox Live! - Ub3rn00ber

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Review: Rainbox 6 Vegas for the Xbox 360

Well this game is pretty tight. I really enjoy just about every part of this game. You can repel down walls and flip upside down while doing it to help you pwn n00bs. It's a good time. My main complaint is that I die alot in multiplayer. I don't know the maps very well yet so I really don't know what spots on the map you really don't want to be spending alot of time in. Just like any game, every map has areas where you are the most vulnerable. Whether you play single player or multiplayer, you can gain rank and then have the option to unlock different weapons. When you first start out, the weapons are pretty week and I find myself repeatedly killed by people who have owned the game longer. This is a big reason I didn't enjoy Battlefield 2. You have to work your way through the mud before you can actually get some equipment to compete with. Well that aspect alone is not enough to keep me from playing this game, it does become annoying occasionally.

Review: FEAR for Xbox 360

It sucks. I play and love the PC version. I've played it since the free multiplayer demo came out. I did eventually buy the full game. I play it online pretty regularly. So I figured I would pick up the 360 version and see how that was online. Well it's very laggy. Not more laggy than Prey though. That's hard to beat. Also, my weapons of choise on the PC, the dual pistols, are nearly useless in 360 version of this game. I have a very difficult time wielding a shotgun as well due to the lag. The penetrator is good as well as the machine guns. The melees also rarely work due to the lag. I've stood behind someone hitting them over the head repeatedly only to have them turn and shoot me death like they were smacking a mosquito.
I wouldn't recommend this game for the XBOX 360.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Imus and Sharpton Rant

So this Imus guy called a buncha women basketball players "nappy headed hoes" and he says it was meant to be funny. I'm sure it was to some good ol' boys or somethin' like that. It's not that funny to me. I guess I just don't get it. There really is no place in the media today for any sort of racial comments like that. Back in the old days, anyone who wasn't white, especially African Americans were treated very poorly. They were always second class citizens and didn't have the same rights that white people had. They were given alot of freedom though and with that freedom they protested that they had some freedom but it wasn't enough. They wanted more. Little by little things began to change and we are where we are today. Now, any time anyone says anything that might be considered to be even slightly racist has to appear on Sharpton's radio program to answer for his or her comments. Like Al Sharpton is who people have to answer to for their sins. Don't worry, Al. God has it covered.
Plus, people say something that they feel or something that they think isn't a big deal, then someone else says they are offended by it, and all of a sudden the originator feels necessary to start making apologies. You don't have to change your story, bud. That's how you feel and you're an idiot for feeling that way. But don't feel that you need to change the type of person you are just to try to make someone else like you or feel better. Oh but wait a minute. Now your job is in danger. Yeah you better run around everywhere you can and try to apologize.
My problem is that I've been accused of saying things or doing things that I never did. I actually had someone tell me that this chick told them that I told her some racists comments. I never even spoke to that chick and here I am put on a spot to answer for shit that never happened. Yeah that's fair. We're at a place now that you have to answer to people for every little thing. Splitting hairs and nit picking. Freedome of speech? What's that? You can't say shit these days without paying for it on the back end. So just stay in your house and never speak to anyone about anything.
