Today in the News
K if you read this story, you'll see how much of it doesn't make sense. It
says this girl abandoned 3 new born babies. So did she have triplets? It
doesn't say. Or did she abandon each baby each time she had another one?
Why keep on having kids? Then she took a 4th newborn and put it in the back
of a pickup truck, hoping someone would find it and give it a better life
than she could. Then the story goes on to quote her lawyer saying that it
wasn't her fault. She was young and she was on drugs. Ok so which bad
decision was caused by being on drugs? Putting the newborn in the truck or
simply having four damned kids when you didn't want to have ANY to begin
with? So as long as you're on drugs, then you shouldn't be held
responsible for your actions, according to this lawyer. Brilliant.
In another story, some rich guy called 911, saying he shot and killed his
wife. Then later, he said she shot herself. The judge bought it and let
him out on $100,000 bail, which is the equivalent of me paying $1.00 to get
out of jail for murder. Then he gets out of jail and gets to go back to his
comfy mansion, of course not before having his maid clean up all his wife's
brain matter off the floor. Huge punishment for this guy though. He's got
to stay home between 10pm and 6am.
So what have we learned so far? If you're on drugs, you aren't responsible
for your actions and if you're rich, you can walk by giving the judge the
change in your pocket.
Oh but I have one more story. This other girl didn't kill anyone and has
$1million bond. She's poor. Has no chance of coming up with the money.
She is accused of child endangerment. Not been convicted yet or anything.
She gave birth and stashed the kid in a closet and then went to the hospital
claiming she miscarried. After inspection, she had obviously delivered a
baby. Police went to the house and found the child in the closet . The
child survived and will be okay. recap. Kill someone but have enough money for an expensive lawyer,
you can walk by paying a minimal bond. Don't kill someone, but be poor and
have no lawyer, and get a $1million bond. The girl's only hope is that
she's on drugs in which case of course she's not responsible for her
In another story, some loser is trying to sue Dr. Phil for all kinds of
nonsense. Some investigation was done and this woman was found to have
attempted to sue several other people and places over the past and she's
recently filed bankruptcy. Obviously a sue happy idiot trying to make a
quick buck. I've some experience with some of these people and let me tell
you. Sometimes they run upon someone that they just shouldn't have fucked